Chapter 21.

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TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT of the full moon, and everyone's going for a run in their wolf forms. Well, everyone except me. Awkward, isn't it? Invited to the Moon Celebration and not being able to go on the group run because genetics say so. I've never wanted to be a wolf-shifter that badly.

Instead, I'll be having lots of fun – stuck in my room. A part of me tries to convince myself that it's not such a bad idea after all: not surrounded by lots of deadly sharp teeth, but instead surrounded by the comforts of the house and food in the fridge.

My voice, on the other hand, had a completely different idea. "WHY AREN'T WE ALLOWED TO GO TO THE RUN? IT IS OUR RIGHT!"

I was a little bit confused why the voice referred to us as if we are two separate beings. But I think I've come to terms with the amount of weirdness I have. Another thing to scrunch your eyebrows at.

"One more thing," Jesse says as he and the others in the pack lead me to my room. "We will be locking the door."

I explode. "It's one thing to bar me from my freedom, but a complete other if you SEPARATE ME FROM MY FOOD."

The entire day I had been convincing myself that staying indoors wouldn't be such a bad thing, my multi-personality brain coming up with excuses, contrary to the voice's anger.

Though it would feel extremely weird, to refer to yourself as two different people, I was getting tired and confused by the voice. Is it part of me? A possessed soul? A piece of leftover pizza spirit seeking revenge? I reminded myself to think of a way to solve this bizarre situation later. In the pleasant confines of my room. Yay.

"Will you be okay with that?"

I mumble an incoherent response, knowing they'd lock me in for my 'safety' either way.

After a quick hug from Blaze and Liam, a peck on the forehead from Jesse, a twitch of an eyebrow from aloof Fynn and James speaking of Fynn's behalf about being back soon, they headed off their merry way.

I heard my door click as it locked and the footsteps left me behind.

Sighing, I turned to the space which had lots of interesting things to do for the next few hours while I'm unable to sleep.

While I admire the lush view the window provides of the outside world, footsteps return and perk my interest.

A heavy crack of wood-falling-on-wood can be heard before what can be guessed as two pack members leave again. I sure hope the floor is okay.

I spend the next hour dwindling near the window, trying to keep myself interested by counting how many sticks are on the white ground. However, my frustrations are verbally shown when I lose count or end up recounting the sticks.

Lost in my anger, I kick the wall under the window. My knee shoots up to my chest as I hunch over and grab my toes with my hands.

"Owie owie ouch!"

"That was probably the most stupid thing I've ever seen."

More so than your fascination for Jesse?

The voice is speechless, so I just let it be. Since I was bullied by my friendly mind neighbour, I was appropriately reminded to come up with a name.




Nah, that's too kind for what that minx is.


I could tell that despite her rude behaviour, the being, too, was interested in what I'd name the thing.

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