Chapter 38.

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MY EYES AUTOMATICALLY blinked in adjustment to the sudden light brighter than the Sun. Or at least it looked brighter.

I was lying horizontally across fresh, healthy grass, the Sun shining from an undecipherable point in the sky. There were sounds of animals – birds, crickets, bees – but they were nowhere to be found. From what I could tell, I was also as naked as the day I was born. In human form. So, in simpler terms, I was very, very much bare and my bum was very, very itchy.

A low mix of a bark and a growl sounded from behind me. I scrambled to a seated position and turned to find myself face-to-face with a wolf.

The wolf had caramel-coloured fur with the occasional orange strand.

"Riana," I whispered in disbelief. "How is this possible?"

I had previously been told only one of us could occupy a human or wolf vessel at one point in time – so why was I looking at my own wolf?

Riana padded closer until she stood close enough to make me uncomfortable. I mean, any sane animal should be mighty afraid of an at least five-foot-tall wolf towering over them, right?

"Don't be afraid, Katie."

Before I could control it, I snorted.

"I mean it, human."

Fine, fine, fine, I raised my arm in surrender. Even in-person – or in-wolf – Riana managed to use some sort of mild mind control on me to create imperceptible changes in my thoughts. Or something. Ugh. Then could you explain what you and I are doing here? In separate bodies? I thought that wasn't possible!

"Don't fret, little earthling," my face scrunched in disgust at Riana's reference to me, "everything will be explained shortly. For now, I am only able to tell you that this entire world only exists in your mind."

So it's all a hallucination?

Riana showed neither a sign of agreement nor one of disagreement. She showed no acknowledgement other than the tiny glimmer in her eye. Was it even possible to spot a 'glimmer' in a wolf's eye? Had the wolf not been Riana, I would've thought the wolf was hungry and wanted to eat me as an appetiser.

No matter the bajillion number of follow-up questions I fired at Riana faster than a firing squad fired bullets at training – who knows where that comparison came from – Riana was tight-lipped and only snarled at my annoying voice. Okay, I understand the hints that you want me to shut up, moody freak!

Days must've passed, but the sun never strayed from its hidden position in the sky. The birds and the bees never quietened, and the crickets never stopped singing. I admired their resilience in finding another to have sex with. Or maybe it was out of desperation and their mothers nagging them to have little baby insect grandchildren. Ew.

The 'days' might've been slightly exaggerated, but it felt like forever until an eternal-looking lady appeared. Her skin showed no sign of age, but her eyes were deep with knowledge and wisdom. An amount only achievable through surviving the centuries.

I stood up to find her a similar height to mine, "who are you." Why has my mind conjured up some random woman decked in a yellow flowy gauze and chiffon floor-length dress that fluttered around her despite the lack of wind in the surroundings, was what I truly meant.

"Morgana, but you may know me as someone else."


"It's inconsequential," she said carelessly in a tone as light and dreamy as the movements of her dress.

"Why are you here?" I eyed her suspiciously. Somehow, I sensed it wasn't my mind who imagined this lady into creation. She managed to push her way into my brain all on her own. I bet she didn't know trespassers in Texas could get shot. I ought to shoot her for trespassing into my head.

The lady laughed and tilted her head, her loose tresses of light brown hair flickering with her movements. It seemed as though each strand had a free mind of its own, dancing in time to imaginary wind. "Why do you think I'm here?"

I huffed at her tricky answers that gave nothing away. Looking away, I forced myself to take deep breaths before I did something stupid. Such as throwing myself at her. I could sense the power beneath her skin and didn't want to be subject to it. Plus, who could bear to ruin such a dress?

Riana barked. Just tell her already! I translated.

My head zipped back and forth between them. They both knew something I didn't. Not that it was surprising – both Riana and Morgana had an air of intelligence. Even though one was often stupid, and another was annoying. At this moment, I wanted to sucker punch the both of them to la la land, but maybe it wouldn't work because we technically already were in la la land.



Did you notice the relationship between "the birds and the bees" and the crickets having sex?

I hope the question didn't put you off. I've always been told that I dampen the funniness of a joke by having to explain and point it out, but maybe I'm the only one who noticed it (because I wrote it in the first place).

ALSO, the 'A' key on my keyboard has completely fallen off. I'm typing on the actual circuit beneath the key and plastic button now...

ANYWAYS... I'm so sorry for not telling y'all what Morgana was meaning to say. I just don't know what to say lol!

Run wild,


Chapter 39: 14january2023 (Happy New Year, btw)

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