Chapter 5.

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[inspiration (song): I don't know why – NOTD, Astrid S]  Ironic 'I don't know why' this was inspiration, lol.

FOR THE NEXT few days, I regained my energy until I was back to my normal self. I would also hike up to the clearing to meet the wolves daily. As if they sensed me, they would suddenly appear from all directions and run up to greet me and rub against my legs. We'd then play and continue to strengthen the pack bond.

Somehow after getting over the initial shock of being bonded to the wolves, I had quickly adapted into a routine as if it was completely normal and the bond was meant to be. As if there was not a time when I hadn't belonged in the pack.

However, I also felt bad for leaving Amelia to do her own thing. I know we had originally planned for this to be another bond-building experience to add to our memories, but instead, I had developed a bond with a pack of wolves.

"Woof," called Fynn, looking back to see if I was catching up.

I was slowly beginning to understand the meaning of different "woofs" and sounds and how they related to their emotions and what the wolves were saying.

"Coming Fynn, continue!" I nodded encouragingly and made a shooing motion with my hands.

That seemed to be enough for him as he and the pack continued up the hill.

Today was a sunny, but cool day. Amelia and Ian had gone for the day to go meet the other wolf pack on the other side of the mountain. I had originally wanted to join but Ian warned me they would be able to sense my bond with my pack and may act aggressively. My wolves also didn't want me to leave.

My wolves?

"They are, in a way, your wolves."

"Woof woof," Fynn repeated, annoyed now.

I raised my hand guiltily, "okay, okay! I'm coming now, no need to get your fur all clumped together!"

I swore he rolled his eyes before turning and loping away.

"Woof woof woof," Blaze repeated, trotting down the slope.

As he padded around me in a circle, I brushed my fingers through the soft fur on his back.

On the third circle around me, he stopped behind and used the area between his eyes to nudge my feet, urging me forward.

"Okay, okay," I said, "thanks Blaze for your help, I can walk now."

Blaze trotted alongside me and whenever I showed signs of stopping, he would take his place behind me and nudge me forwards.

After half an hour more of walking, we finally made it to the top, just when the sun started to set.

Jumping on a small rock, a breeze hit me.

"Whew," I threw out my hands in balance as my straight light brunette hair flew around my face.

The wolves howled in amusement.

Jumping off the rock like a starfish, I took a seat a few feet away from the cliff and lay back on my elbows. My wolves surrounded me, Liam going as far to lay half on, half off my legs.

The sun shone in the colour of egg yolk and slowly sank into the sea dotted with islands.

I had never felt so content and at peace in my life.

There was nowhere I'd rather be.



I'm so sorry I posted late! My wifi went down due to some update it was trying to do on its own... In return, I'll be posting two chapters this week!

QOTC: What instrument(s) do you play? If you don't, what's your favourite instrument or one you'd like to learn?
I play:
- the violin quite well (I passed ABRSM Grade 8)
- the ukulele for a while before changing into the classical guitar (I just started learning but I'm not really a fan of the holding position of the guitar, sorry)
- the drums (I live with my parents and two younger siblings and we have an electronic drum kit at home which I'm learning)
(I'm learning the instruments myself - more like messing around though)

Favourite instruments: electric guitar and harp

I'd like to learn: the electric guitar and harp

Run wild in the hills (like in the Sound of Music)... the hills are alive...


My very own wolf familyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ