Chapter 4

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I came to the clearing. It was slightly elevated and the grass was beautifully green. The orange sunset shined through the trees.

I sighed and stared at the view for a few minutes.

I finally walked toward the tree line when sun bobbed beneath the skyline.

I walked to the large oak I use to store stuff.

I came hear quite a lot, so I had figured things out.

I had a wooden box hidden in the trunk, concealed in some dirt and branches. The box was covered enough to were, if it rained, it wouldn't get wet in the unless it flooded.

I didn't have much inside the box.

I had a few packs of gum, binoculars, cheep sunglasses, a torch (or flashlight), chips and band aids.

I dug up the box, (1x1 ft.), I grabbed the chips out and popped a few in my mouth.

My phone buzzed.

I quickly closed up the chips and put a price of gum in my mouth, closing the box and re-concealing it.

I checked my phone.

'Hey, stop killing people and come back home.' It was from Lukas. I didn't bother asking how he got my number, but it didn't really bother me.

I put my phone away and took a minute to stare at the stars that were seeming to grow.

I finally turned away and jogged back through the forest.

I saw the apartment and relaxed a little bit.

I ran around to my window, only to find it closed.

That wasn't the worst part, Lukas was sitting at my desk, smiling at me.

I pounded on the window.

'Shh! You wouldn't want James to know you snuck out, do you.' A new text said.

'Let me in, Lukas!' I texted back.

'Not until you tell me where you were.' He typed.

'Really, that's what this is about? Just let me in you dogface!'

'Is it that hard to tell me? Or are you hiding something?'

'I'd rather die.'

'Then enjoy yourself dying.'

I waited outside for another minute before finally answering.

I knew that if I went in through the lobby, my brother would notice, this was my only chance.

'I was on the edge of the woods behind the apartment. I was stargazing.' I typed, it wasn't a lie, really.

'Was that so hard?'


He finally stood up and unlocked the window.

He seemed to take forever to open it.

When the agonising process of him slowly opening the window was done, I climbed in and shut the window behind me.

"I locked my room, how did you get in?" I asked.

"I have a key." He said.

"A key?! To my room?" I asked. What would happen if he used it to get in while I was changing or something.

"Don't worry, your brother just lent it to me for the day. He's taking it back this afternoon." He said.

I looked at him sceptically. It felt like he was hiding something.

To Envy the StarsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя