Chapter 21

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The following chapter is dedicated to cowsarebae831 for being a good reader and an amazing person. Round of applause for her! (Follow her!)

Guys (I lied)! Athena may accidentally get intoxicated....

Here's some money for reading: 💸💵💵 $$

Merry May day.


"Ugh!" I groaned. How did this happen? How did I end up in the party? I was looking for the car keys, right? I can't remember... Urg!

I swirled whatever liquid was in my cup. I was told it was alcohol-free fruit punch... My headache and bubbly-ness was saying differently.

Ugh. UGH! Do you here me?! Grrrrrr!

I set the drink down and headed for the corner to go bang my head against the wall. Repeatedly.

I banged my head, once, twice, twenty times. I stopped when my head hurt like crap. Great. Now I'll have a bruise.

I need to get some air. If I could only remember where the door was... UGH!!!!

I walked around a little, looking for anyone that was actually sober enough to tell me where the door was.

I finally found a boy in the couch that looked sane-(ish).

"Do you know where the door is?" I asked.

"To go outside?" He asked.

"Yeah, that one." I mumbled.

"Oh, well then. Follow me." He said. He stared leading me through the crowds of people that surrounded us. "You're Athena, right?" He asked.

"Mm-hum." I nodded.

"Why are you here? Aren't you the good girl?" He asked.

"My roommate drove me here while I was asleep, then they hid the key so I went to look for it and I got thirsty." I paused. "Speaking of which... I'm thirsty. I want a milkshake. Is that weird? I want a strawberry milkshake. Mm, I love strawberries. Isn't food good? Now I'm hungry." I complained.

"Do you mind me asking how you got... Er..."

"Drunk?" I asked. He nodded. "Someone spiked my drink. And I haven't seen my roommate to give me a ride back home."

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" He asked.

"No. Knowing my roommate, they're wasted and I need to be a good friend them."

"Who is your roommate?" He asked.

"Uh... I know this!" I said, snapping my fingers. Why couldn't I remember his name. "Luke Freeway?" I guessed.

"Lukas Freeman?"

"Yeah! That's it!" I said. "Ugh! I'm so drunk." I laughed.

He smiled and led me through a few more people to the door.

"Would you happen to know anyone named Aiden?" The boy asked.

"Why?" I asked, confused at the sudden change of subject.

"No reason."

"Then yeah. He's my friend." I said.

"Did you hear about his brother attacking him at IHOP?" He asked.

"Hear about it? I was there." I told him with a small giggle. Giggle? Really. Geez, I'm wasted.

"That was you?" He asked genuinely. He seemed to stiffen as he put his hands in his pockets.

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