More Than One Surprise | Trevor Zegras

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I know y'all were expecting @1ddirectioner93's request next, and it will be after this, but since Trevor Zegras's 21st birthday is today, I decided to do a short imagine for him. So, happy birthday, Zegs, and I hope y'all enjoy!

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#46, Center for the Anaheim Ducks
Word Count: 1.3 K

"Y/N!" Troy yells, holding out his arms.

I laugh and embrace him. It feels so good to be here. To be around Trevor's teammates. This is where I belong. This is home. Not even the chaos and overall beauty of New York City can change that. 

"How's he doing?" I ask as I pull away. I'm worried about Trevor. Ever since I left for New York, his game has slowly declined. I'm not one hundred percent sure that I'm responsible for this, but it makes me feel bad nonetheless.

"Pretty good. He's getting a little better. Not as good as he was before you left, but it's an improvement." He grins. "Thankfully, you're back for good, and so will our boy's talent."

I smile. "I sure hope so. I hate that this is so hard on him." I shake my head.

Troy helps me get everything into the car, and then we start the twenty-minute drive to me and Trevor's apartment. We're currently looking at houses, but Trevor paused the search when I moved to New York for work eight months ago. Now we'll be able to look again, and I'm excited. I can't wait to really start me and Trevor's life together.

I get into the apartment and say bye and thank you to Troy before heading inside, knowing my time to get ready for Trevor is limited. He's currently having lunch with some of his teammates, but I know he'll be back soon.

I sit on the bed, but the second I sit, a wave of nausea hits me. I barely make it to the bathroom before I throw up.

"What the hell?" I hear, before Trevor curses and rushes over, pulling my hair back from my face. He wipes my face as I lean the back of my head against his chest.

"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly, hugging me around the waist. "And, yes, I'm wondering what you're doing home, but we can get to that once we make sure you're okay."

I nod, closing my eyes, and Trevor kisses my forehead. "I've missed you." I whisper, opening my eyes so I can meet his.

"I missed you, too. Is there a reason all of your things are sitting on the bed?" He asks hopefully.

"I'm back home. For good. NYC isn't home, Anaheim is. I mean, Anaheim has you, so. . ."

Trevor grins. "Yeah, well, it hasn't really felt like home without you here. It does now, though." He assures me. "Now, do you feel okay enough to stand up?"

I nod and he stands before helping me up, holding my hands the entire time. I feel slightly lightheaded, and Trevor can tell because he puts his arm around me and leads me into our bedroom. He leads me over to the bed and lays down, pulling me into his arms. I fall asleep quickly, exhausted from the flight, and so comfortable being in Trevor's arms again.

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When I wake up, Trevor is nowhere to be found. His place in the bed is cold, too, which tells me that he's been gone for a while. I stand up, feeling disoriented, and slowly make my way to the living room and kitchen. The entire apartment is dark, telling me it's nighttime, making me wonder why Trevor is up.

Trevor is standing in the middle of the living room in just his pajama pants and is pacing back and forth. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist in a hug. He relaxes slightly and hugs me back, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"What's wrong?" I whisper, tilting my head back to look up at him. He just shrugs, not saying anything. Something is bothering him, but I don't know what or what to do about it. I just want to help him.

"Why do you think you're sick?" He asks after a little while.

"I don't know. It was really random." I tell him, my voice muffled since my face is buried against his chest.

"Yeah, I know. Just. . . when was the last time you had your period?"

I lift my head quickly, looking up at him. "You think I'm pregnant?"

He sighs and lets go of me. "I don't know. But I mean, the last time you visited, you and I were really excited and kind of jumped each other. Now that I think about it, I don't think we used a condom, so. . ."

"I'm on birth control, though."

He shakes his head. "You know that isn't one hundred percent effective. Especially if you didn't take it at the exact same time. It's not impossible, you know."

I nod. "I know that. I just. . . I'm not ready for this. You and I have been together for five years, so it's not like we're not ready. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to be a mother, you know?"

He nods and sits down on the couch, taking my hand and pulling me to sit on his lap. "You didn't answer my question, though." He reminds me.

"I'm supposed to start Tuesday, and today is Saturday. I guess we'll see then?"

He chews on his bottom lip. "Do you have a feeling that you are? I feel like you would know if you were pregnant, right?"

"I hope so." I snuggle against his chest, suddenly feeling cold. He hugs me and buries his face against my neck. "Will it make you feel better if I take a test?"

He lifts his head so I can see his face, and I can see the anxiety. I'm freaking him out. "Maybe."

I nod and stand, holding out my hand to him. "Then lets go. There's a CVS across the street." He takes my hand and throws on a shirt before we make our way across the street. It's two in the morning, so the CVS is empty, save for the single cashier who watches us as we look at the different options. Finally, Trevor decides that Clearblue will probably be the best, so we grab one and pay for it before heading back to the apartment.

Trevor and I just kind of sit there for a few minutes, staring at the test. No, I haven't taken it yet, but it feels so weird that I'm about to take one. I've never done this before.

Trevor sighs after a few minutes. "You ready?"

I nod and we go to the bathroom. I do my business, and then Trevor and I stand by the counter, waiting. I don't look at the test once, too stressed out to even consider what will happen with either option. It's not like I can just move on with my life if it's negative. Now that I've thought more about all of it, I have a feeling I'll be kind of disappointed if it comes back negative.

"It's been three minutes."

I nod and, with a shaking hand, pick up the test. I flip it over and Trevor and I both inhale when we see the word.

"Holy shit."


He hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead. "You're going be to be an amazing mother."

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Like I said, super short. I just wanted to do something short for Trevor since today is his twenty-first birthday. I hope y'all enjoy, and have an amazing day ❤️


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