My Love (Part Two) | Timo Meier

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I know it's been a long time, y'all, and I am so sorry. I had a really busy summer with work, and traveling to see family, and now that school has started, I've had even less free time. That, combined with trying to talk to my new long-distance boyfriend who is five hours ahead means I don't have a lot of free time, but I'm here with a long-awaited part two to my last upload! I'm going to be honest with y'all, I'm not sure if there will be more updates after this one. I'll try my best, but I don't have very much motivation for this book, and I am so sorry about that. I will try my best to continue for y'all, but I want long, well-written updates and I'm not sure if I have the time or motivation for that much longer, but we'll see. Anyway, thank y'all so much for being so patient with me, and here's your update!

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Dedicated to @1ddirectioner93

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#28, Right Wing for the San Jose Sharks
Word Count: 2.5 K

Timo shoves his last bag into the car, sighing as he listens to his mom yelling through her sobs, begging him to come back, to not leave. But Timo refuses, gently squeezing my hand as he helps me into the car. He follows after me, closing the door and asking the driver to please hurry and leave.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, refusing to look at Timo.

"Hey, stop. I love you, alright? My family made their decision, and it doesn't seem like they're going to change." He gently strokes my hair. "Now, how far is your aunt and uncle's?"

"About an hour." I mumble, leaning my head against him as I close my eyes, sighing at the soothing feeling of his fingers running through my hair.

"Okay. Listen, baby, I am so sorry. I never thought this trip was going to end like this. I was so excited for you to meet my family, and I didn't even think about the idea of them not liking you."

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

He gently lifts my chin, making me open my eyes and meet his. "Listen to me. What just happened is not okay. I love you with all that I am, and I'm not going to let a single person treat you like that, not even my family. So don't you tell me it's okay, because it isn't."

I nod slowly, knowing better than to disagree. Timo is stubborn in his ways, especially when it comes to protecting me.

He holds me the entire ride to Zurich, not letting go of me for a single second. He just strokes my hair and occasionally kisses me.

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"We're here." The driver softly speaks, lulling me out of my light sleep. Timo gently lets go of me and gets out of the car, starting to gather our bags as I wake up. After a moment, I'm awake enough to get out of the car and start helping Timo.

As the car is pulling away and I'm trying to get my thoughts together, I hear a gasp and lift my head to see my aunt, Monica, and my cousin Patrick standing behind her. It's been so long since I've seen them; last time we visited together was when Patrick was twelve or so and I was around eight.

"Tina, is that you?" Aunt Monica asked, shocked, and I laugh a little nervously. What if they're upset with me for showing up without any warning?

"Come here, you sweet girl!" Monica greets excitedly, so I leave Timo with the bags and hurry up the steps to hug my aunt. Patrick hugs me after her, seemingly even more shocked than his mother. I don't really blame him; it's been around twenty years since we've seen each other in person.

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