Okay | Jamie Drysdale

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#34, Defenseman for the Anaheim Ducks
Word Count: 3.8 K

Trigger Warning: Abuse

"Would you stop that?"

My gaze snaps back to meet Riley. "Stop what?" I ask, as if I don't know. Of course I know.

He tightens his grip on my knee. "You fucking know what. Stop staring at that guy over there. You're mine, not his. Get that through your brain." He snaps.

"I wasn't staring at him." I mumble, ducking my head so I don't have to look directly into his eyes. He scares me sometimes, and tonight is undoubtedly one of those times.

He narrows his eyes at me but his phone buzzes in his pocket, stealing his attention. "I'll be back." He mutters before making his way outside where it's quieter. I just stay exactly where I am, not wanting to mess with him. I pick at my nails nervously, wondering if maybe I should try to make a run for it. I've tried breaking up with Riley, but every time before now, he's shut it down quickly. He loves me, he says, and he wants me to be his girl. So I stay.

I'm just not sure if it's safe for me to stay anymore. Actually, I know it's not safe for me to stay, but I'm not sure if I'll be any safer if I leave him. Riley always knows what I'm doing, where I'm going, even if I don't tell him. I doubt that will change if I leave him.

"You okay?"

I glance up and see the man my attention has been on all night. He has dark hair and what have to be the kindest eyes I've ever seen. The complete opposite of Riley's cold, ice-blue eyes and blonde hair.

I shrug. "I guess."

He frowns. "You don't seem too sure of that answer. You want to talk about it?" He asks softly.

I sigh. "That's probably not a good idea. Riley wouldn't be happy with me."

"Is that that guy who's been with you? He makes you uncomfortable, I can tell. You seem more relaxed with me, someone you don't even know, than him." I squeeze my eyes shut, knowing he's right. "I'm Jamie. I play hockey. What about you?" He asks, changing the subject for my benefit.

I smile lightly and look up at him. Hockey is something I can talk about. "Y/N. I work in sports publicity. What about you? NHL, OHL, ECHL?"

He chuckles. "I just was moved up to NHL. Anaheim Ducks."

"Good for you. Wait. Are you Jamie Drysdale?"

He nods. "How'd you know?"

It's my turn to laugh. "I work for the Ducks. I'm their PR manager. I have a meeting set up with you this afternoon."

His eyes widen. "I knew I recognized your name! Well, I'm off to a good start. Already know someone from the team. From what I've heard, you know a lot about the hockey business."

I duck my head. "I guess you could say that." I murmur, embarrassed by the sudden compliment.

"Y/N! We need to go, my boss needs me." I hear Riley's hard voice, and my head snaps up at the sound. I quickly stand, nodding, and grab my bag. Jamie steps between Riley and I before I can go anywhere, though, staring down at me worriedly.

"Hey. Are you sure you wanna go?"

I nod, giving him a forced smile. "I'll see you later. When we meet to go over everything for the team." I clarify before Riley can freak out. "It was nice to meet you, Drysdale." I give him one last look before hurrying around him and letting Riley wrap his arm tightly around my waist, leading me out of the restaurant.

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