Just Fall | Mitch Marner

2.1K 21 11

#16, Right Wing for the Toronto Maple Leafs
Word Count: 1.9 K

"I remember seventeen
The day you moved across the street
I was playin' it cool, I didn't know what I was doing
Never got to tell you
How many times in a day
Oh, how I wonder the way
You're feelin', then what would you say
If I leaned in and then I grabbed you by the waist
Push your hair out of your face
Do you ever feel the same way?"
- "Just Fall," CB30

Mitch's POV:

"New neighbors?" I mutter as I load my hockey gear into the car. Of course. I should have known. I hate meeting new people. Unless it's hockey related, like meeting different coaches.

I climb into the drivers side of the truck, slamming the door and starting it. The headlights kick on and illuminate the darkness, making me sigh. I love hockey, but I hate the early mornings. An hour drive to get to my six a.m. practice. A little exhausting, but so worth it. Worth it to be able to play the sport I love.

And I'm so close to the draft. Two months. That's all I need.

As I'm backing out of the driveway, the backup sensors of my truck suddenly start going off and I slam on the breaks, my heart beating out of my chest as I see in the rear view camera a teenage girl and her dog. I quickly throw the car into park and jump out, an apology the first thing coming out of my mouth.

"I am so, so sorry." I tell the girl. "I had no idea you were there and—" I meet her eyes and it's like my heart stops. Well. This girl is lowkey gorgeous and I don't know how to handle it.

"It's alright." She smiles at me as she pets her dog, trying to calm it down. It seems to be a lab mix, and it's a little spooked, but every touch of hers calms the dog down. "You must be Mitch. I met your parents the other day." She explains.

I nod. "Yeah, I am. When did you move in?"

"About a week ago. I'm Y/N, by the way. And this is Hunter." She pets the dog, who jumps up to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Nice to meet you. Again, I am so, so sorry about almost backing into you. I need to pay more attention." I check the time on my watch. "Shit. I'm sorry, I gotta go. If I don't hurry, I'll be late for practice."

Y/N nods in understanding. "It was nice to meet you, Mitch."

"You, too." I wave as I quickly get back in the truck. I don't leave, though, until I see Y/N and Hunter are safely back in the house.

- - - - -

Five Years Later

"I don't wanna wait for someday, someday
I get to thinkin' and I think about you
I'm kinda glad we took the long way, long way
Now there's only one thing left to do
You and I both know
That we could have it all
Just fall"

"What do I do, man?"

Auston sighs. "Dude, only you know what you should do. Only you know how you feel."

"It's just like. . . Steph is amazing, don't get me wrong. It's just that she's not. . . she's not Y/N." I explain.

Auston gives me a look. "Then you know what you need to do, man."

I stand and begin to pace. "But that means calling off my engagement. That sounds crazy. Insane. Steph would hate me. My family would be disappointed. A whole shit ton of money—"

Auston stands too and places his hands on my shoulders, effectively cutting me off. "If you're in love with Y/N, and you're not in love with Steph anymore, than it is what it is, man. You need to follow your heart."

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