Mothers Day

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Today is Mother's Day in the UK so I'd thought I'd write a little something
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
I'm sorry I haven't uploaded for like forever
I could hear distant clings and bangs of pots and pans in the kitchen as I was waking up, turning over and feeling for Andrew but being surprised when the bed beside me was empty and cold. Rubbing my eyes I slowly wake up and sit up looking around our shared bedroom. Getting up I make my way to the bathroom to see if Andrew was in there, but having no luck. Walking around again I was about to make my way out of the room when I heard Andrew in the kitchen "Shush honey we might wake mummy up ok"
"Ok daddy I'm sorry" our 4 year old daughter clover says
"Oh honey do you want to grab the honey" Andrew replied
"Ok" she said happily. I could hear Andrew chuckling lightly.
Smiling to myself I remember what day it is. Mother's Day. Quickly getting back into bed I grab my phone and catch up with some social media. Around 5 minutes I could hear Andrew and clover behind the door smiling again I hear whispering and the door creaks open. Two heads pop around the door with massive smiles on her face. Suddenly clover runs past Andrew and jumps on the bed and smothers me in kisses and cuddles.
"Happy mummy's day mummy" she squeals while sitting in my lap and cuddling me. Smiling down at her Andrew is standing at the door smiling and the scene makes unfolding in front of him. Looking up at him he smiles and walked over to his side of the bed. In his hands was a tray with a stack of pancakes, honey, strawberries l, raspberries and a nice cup of orange juice. At this point I couldn't stop smiling. Andrew carefully gets into bed next to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. Looking back at clover she was cuddling up to me.
"Clover baby, mummy needs to eat her breakfast we made ok" Andrew said. Clover looked and me then Andrew and got off me and sat on Andrew instead.
"Now you too didn't need to do this for me" I said
"Well you deserve it for being the best mummy ever ever" clover said cheerfully.
"Well I don't deserve you two" I reply back
"We wouldn't do it for anyone else would we clover" Andrew piped in looking at clover
"Never ever" she replied
"Why don't you run and grab mummy's present from the kitchen" Andrew ushered to clover
"Ok daddy" she said climbing off the bed and running out the room.
"Happy Mother's Day darling" Andrew said and kissed me pulling me on his lap
"Thankyou baby" I replied smiling.
"How much did clover help you in the kitchen" I asked smiling "and what state is it in" laughing
"Well she helped me grab ingredients and stirred the pancake mix and the kitchen isn't too bad. Clover and I had a mini food fight so there are smudged of pancake mix everywhere" he giggled. In that moment clover came running back and climbed on the bed.
"Here you go mummy" she said passing me a present and card she made.
"Did you make this?" I ask smiling and opening the card and reading it
"Yes, daddy helped me with all the big words but I drew it all" she replied smiling. "Well it's the best card I've ever received, better than all daddy's card put together" I replied smiling to Andrew who looked shocked but starting laughing. Clover looked at her dad and stuck her tongue out.
"Be careful missy" Andrew said smiling towards clover, who's still sticking her tongue out. In the moment Andrew charged towards clover and started tickling her. Laughter and squeals filled the room and it melted my heart. I wouldn't change this for the world. A couple of minutes later the laughter died down and I finally opened the present. Inside the box was a smaller box and inside that was a necklace that said my name on it. Looking at both clover and Andrew my eyes were welling.
"Mummy don't cry please" clover said with concern and climbed on me again and holding me tight
"It's ok baby they are happy tears I promise" I replied smiling at her.
"I'm just really happy" cuddling back I look at Andrew and smile lovingly at him. Andrew grabs the necklace and move my hair out the way and he puts the necklace on.
"This has been the best day ever. I love you" I said with so much passion
"I love you too mummy and so does daddy" clover said
"I do" Andrew chimed in.
We all sat there for a little while talking and laughing and spending some time together.
"Clover, why don't you go and get ready?" Andrew said
"Ok daddy, love you both loads" she replied hugging us both and running out the room.
"Thankyou for today" I said cuddling up to him.
"You are most welcome you deserve it" he replied kissing my head.
"You know..." he said smiling wickedly laying down "next year there could be another one of clover running around giving you cuddles like her. Plus extra mother day cuddles" snaking his arm playfully I giggle and get out of bed
"Get your mind out the gutter Garfield" I chuckle
"Well it was just a thought" he said smiling.
"Well Not a bad idea" I said looking at him and getting ready.
"Wait a minute" Andrew said startled and scrambled out of bed towards me
Sorry it's been forever guys I have been so busy with everything at the moment. I hope this is ok it's quite rushed but I thought it was cute. Hopefully there will be another one coming g soon. Thankyou again and if you enjoyed please comment share and vote. If you want to request anything either comment below or message me privately. Love you loads and I'll be back soon

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