7 Things

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"Ah" I scream as I run into my bedroom after school.
"He's done it again" you sigh as you flop on your bed facedown, once again scream into your pillow.
Once again the boy you call your best friend messed with your feelings. The one and only Andrew Garfield. You and Andrew have been friends from when you can remember. Nothing has ever changed really, except when you started high school. He turned into a self absorbed prick who thinks he knows better. You stayed friends but over time you guys have become distant. But he always finds a way back. Like right now. After having my moment I get up and find a piece of plain paper. At the top I write
7 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU! In capital letters and down the side number 1 to 7. I grab the paper and pin it to my board above my desk. Every time he does something that I hate I will add it to the list until it's full.

The following day I get up and ready for school. I walk everyday because I don't live to far and it's nice weather at the moment. I was peacefully enjoying my walk when I hear a car zoom in the distance. Rolling my eyes momentarily. I look behind me to see Andrew driving his car up the street blasting music. As he spots me he slows down and stops next to me. Looking over at him I see his car full of his 'friends'. Making eye contact he winks at me "fancy a lift y/n" he asks smirking
"No thanks. I prefer the walk. Nice weather" I reply smiling. Before another word could be said one of his friends pipe up.
"Whatever loser, come on Andrew we don't need her anyway" he chuckled hitting his back and smiling at me. Frowning slightly, Andrew revs his engine again and speeds of. Getting to school I go to my locker and grabbed my books.

When I thought it couldn't get any worse I close my locker and see Andrew and this girl making out next to me. Normally this wouldn't effect me. Loads of people do it, but when it's Andrew it feels like my heart is been ripped out of my chest and ripped into a million pieces. As tears welled up in my eyes the pair parted ways and both their eyes landed on me. Embarrassed I look to the floor and walk always and pretend nothing happened. Quickly running to the toilet I grab some tissues and quickly wipe my eyes and stop myself from crying. This isn't the first time he has done something to make me cry.

Last month him and I had planned to go and see the new Spider-Man film at the cinema. We had planned the whole thing out. What time we met, where we met. Where we were going to eat after. Everything. The whole day at school I was so excited and I couldn't wait for the final bell to ring. As it did I darted to my locker and quickly dumped my stuff and waited for Andrew to appear, moments later he strode down the hall towards me and dumped his stuff too. After waiting a minute or two, we walked out together and went out separate ways "see you later shorty" Andrew called smiling. "See you" I shouted back.
Getting home quickly I changed into my outfit and sat around on my phone until it was ready for me to go. Around an hour later I began my walk to the cinema. I was a nice pleasant walk, not to hot or cold and the sun was high in the sky. If I could I would of stayed out all day. Nearing the cinema I begin to get all nervous. Lately I have seen that when I'm around Andrew especially in my own I get all nervous and scared. I have thought about him as more than a friend more times that I want to admit. It never acted on them. Looking at my phone constantly to make sure we have the right time, I keep looking around to try and stop Andrew. We were meant to meet at 4 and it was already 4:15. The film started in 15 minutes.
Dropping him a quick text I go inside to see if he is in there. Looking all ove the place, on the sheets standing around I couldn't see him anywhere, maybe he's running late. Sighing I walk up to the desk and get two tickets, saves us later incase he turns up. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Grabbing it I look at the ID and see Andres name pop up, smiling I answer the phone. Instead of hearing his voice I hear loads of background noice, people shouting and laughing. Frowning I try and listen to Andrew. "Hey where are you?" I ask
"I've got held up after school. Football" he says
"But you walked out with me?" I questioned growing suspicious
"Well i um had to go back to grab my...... boots, that's right" he stumbled
"Ok? Couldn't they of waited until tomorrow" I asked
"They could bu-" he was cut off by one of his friends shouting "come on Andrew we are not standing around for you to finish talking, we have a game to play". That's when it hit, he's bunked me off to play football with his friends. In that moment my heart broke. I was standing at the cinema on my own stood up by someone I called my best friend.
"I'm sorry y/n, talk later?" He asked
"But what about our movie, I have the tickets and everything" I said hopefully
"Another time ok, I hope you don't mind. See you later bye" and with this the line went dead. Putting my phone in my pocket I looked at the two tickets. "What's the point" I said and ripped them up and walked out tears streaming down my face. I slowly make my way home and run straight to my room and cry into my pillow.

End of flashback

After coming out it of the toilets, I walk into someone. Looking up it's Andrew again. "Alright there" he chuckled and helped me up.
"Yeah I'm fine" I replied still in a dazed state, Andrew must of realised I was staring and clicked him fingers in my face. "Take a picture it will last longer" he chuckled leaving a small kiss on my cheek and something In my hand. Upon opening it I found my necklace I was wearing. Looking at Andrew again he was smirking at me and continued to walk away, I began walking to class and sat down at the back

'Something to add to my list I thought as
I grab my bag and pull out the piece of paper from my pin board and start to write stuff on it. Number one was the big one. Sitting at the back of the class I start to write down all the things that Andrew has done that make me 'hate' him.

7. Your Friends
6. You make me cry
5. Your games
4. Her
3. Your Flirting
2. You make me laugh
1. I love you ❤️

I always knew number one would be that. It's meant to be. As cliche as it is, you will always fall.

The rest of the day went like a blast. By the end of the day I was ready to go home. Walking to my locker I am met by Andrew leaning on my locker smirking at me. Smiling back I slightly nudge him to move to put my books away. "You're waiting for me. You never wait" I said chuckling
"Well I changed my mind. I haven't been the nicest recently so I thought I'd change my ways" he said. For the first time in a couple of weeks I had a genuine smile on my face. Walking out of school, he lead me to his car and opened the door for me. Getting in he turns his music up and drives out the school premises. On the way home we have a good laugh which we haven't had in a while. Scream lyrics to songs we love and talk about anything and everything.

After a good half and hour we finally got to my house. Andrew quickly tuned the car off and ran around to open the door for me. Smiling I get out and invite him in. Like old times. We both get comfortable downstairs and have snacks and watch tv. A little while later I remember about the paper in my bag and make an excuse to go upstairs. I'm this time I quickly pin it back up, so I don't lose it and Andrew's not coming up so it's ok.

After a minute or two I go back down see Andrew still on the sofa. Sighing I walk over and flop next to him. "You know, you are the bestest friend I have, I'm sorry for being such a shitty friend to you" he said out of the blue. This took me by surprise.
"Is the all famous Andrew Garfield sorry" I giggle. This left me will Andrew trying to act sad but failing. "If you don't want me to ap-" he started but I quickly stopped him "no no carry on" I reply smiling "I accept the apology, just don't be a dick please"

After that we carried on watching tv. That was until Andrew suddenly got up and run upstairs. Shit I thought, my room. The paper. Quickly running after him and to my room I am met with Andrew holding a piece of paper, more specifically my list. "Is this about me by any chance" he said smirking. I lunged towards him to grab it but he held it above his head so I couldn't get it. "When you do this?" He said smirking
"None of your business" I said angerly 
"Oh but it does" he laughed.
By this point you gave up. No more trying to hide it now. "Fine you got me, yes it is about you, yes it is a list of things I hated about you and yes I do love you. I said with anger
"Good because I love you too" is all he said and moved forward and kissed me. Holding the kiss for a couple of seconds. I pulled away and looked at Andrew. "You're lying" I said shocked
"Haven't you ever hear, if a boy is mean to you it means he likes you he chuckled. Kissing him again and again you are won cloud nine. Without a second thought you grabbed the paper and ran to the desk and started scribbling again.
1. I love you ❤️
2. Your hair
3. Your eyes
4. You make me laugh
5. You make me cry
6. Your kindness
7. Kisses

And with that you went back to Andrew and handed him the paper. He read it over and over and smiled. Kissing me on the forehead he walks over to the pin board and pins the paper up with the new side facing so the whole world can see.
" I love you y/n"
As you can already guess this is about Miley Cyrus' song 7 things. I heard it today and this instantly came to mind so I thought let's write it.
Sorry it's been a whole damn minute. I have been so busy with stuff recently I haven't had time to stop 😂
I hope you enjoy this and please share vote comment and follow. I love all the feedback and what you guys think.
If you have any requests either message me or leave them in the comments
QOTD: have you been watching under the banner of beaver
I have and I have been loving it can't wait for the new episode
FM ❤️

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