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hyunjae scrunches his face as the blade slicing through his arm, revealing the flesh inside with fresh blood dripping down. sara carefully dabs the cotton wool in the blood while looking at the man face. she grins, while her hands skilfully doing its job.

"i can't believe i let someone cut my arm and practice sew on me at 2am in the on call room for fun" he scoffs, slightly cringing over the pain.

"it's not for fun, you're helping me to be a better doctor" she shows him her cheeky face, showing the work on his arm that she considered as an art.

"why are we even friends again?"

she laughs, wrapping his arm securely and kissed it slow. his face changes, turning into a confused one while part of him actually likes it.

"you're the best jae" sara shows him two of her thumbs up, having the biggest grin on her face.

she ruffles his hair before pushing the tray full of the things she used earlier to do the stitches. she lays down the bed, staring at the top of the ceiling.

her heart beats erratically, faster than usual. being a doctor and a surgeon has always been her dream. she smiles at the thought of how she is one step closer to actually achieving it.

to be a surgeon, saving lives.

holding a scalpel giving her sort rush of adrenaline that is indescribable. every cut she made, she feels blood rushes through her veins, heart pumping them even faster. nothing can ever make she feels that way.

it is her first love, a scalpel.

hyunjae then joins her laying down, staring at the same view. he squints his eyes, trying to see what is it so interesting on the ceiling.

"what is it that's so interesting on the ceiling compares to me ?" he blinks, pushing her far on the bed, making space for himself.

"shut up i am thinking"

he frowns, " are you thinking about attending kim who has been pulling surgeries away from us?"

she nods, sighing slowly. partly, it was her own fault.

her mind flashes back to last week, when she brought out the idea to sneak a patient out for some air with hyunjae. he opposed the idea, tried to convince her that it's not a good idea.

she agreed at first but then her heart can't take it when the patient started to plead. ofcourse, after a few minutes out they were caught red handed and has been banned from surgeries ever since.

"it has been a week already, that salty man should've forgiven us" she rolls her eyes, scoffing.

"he'll forgive us soon, trust me. his ass is weird himself, he's a whole senior surgeon but then ended up dating a scrub nurse"

her eyes went wide, not believing what she just heard. " what do you mean by that ?"

"you heard it right, he's been dating nia for quite awhile now. saw it with my own two eyes and got traumatised"

" no way.. that rania lee ?"

he laughs, " oh do you still remember on how she used to slice his finger off because girl was busy staring at him"

"hell no i mean that rania girl must have that big supernatural power to attract that kind of guy, i envy her though"

their small talks after turns into gossips about their senior attending. their laughters fills in the on call room, well sometimes they do hear hyunjae whining about his arm.

she ended up falling asleep, probably too tired working. he looks at her and fixes her hair, eventually closing his eyes too.

just like that they both fell down into their slumber for god knows how long.

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