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two months later

sara gathers all of her things with one of her hand, putting them nicely in her locker before grabbing a hair tie and tied up her black hair into a simple ponytail. she smiles at herself; it's hard to believe that she's actually one step from saving lee juyeon's life.

everything that happened in the passing two months actually taught her a lot on how to be strong; same goes to the person who's standing right beside her now. she turns to him, a sweet smile greets her sight. hyunjae runs his hand through his hair, keeping the smile on his face.

he's not hurting anymore ?

she walks closer to him, "you feeling great ?"

"absolutely ! i'm about to see my you putting a heart in someone's body, hell i'm super excited today," he blurts out, hands shaking her shoulders.

they laughs as he took both of her hands, "i am so proud of you, you'll make a good surgeon sara," he says softly, enough to send shivers through her spine.

she doesn't know what was the reason on the air felt like suffocating to her suddenly but she found herself choking in her own tears. he expected this; he pulls her slowly in his arms, cooing her. hugging has become their favourite way of affection ever since.

"you'll do great,sara. i'll be right behind you during the surgery, juyeon is going to live a happy life after because you're going to save his life." he mutters right by her ears before the tightening his embrace. the rush of emotions in him out of the blue made him close his eyes, burying his head on her shoulder.

she sniffs, "why are you even sobbing too?"

patting his back slowly as he lets her go from his embrace, " i really am proud of how far you've came," he says. " i feel like hugging you forever now."

she chuckles slowly, "you've became so clingy, lee hyunjae. it'll only take few hours then you can hug me all you want,"

what are we even, jae ?

"i'll miss you"

"stop talking as if you're saying goodbyes, jeez. we're just going to get the new heart for lee juyeon and bring it back here for him. you're following me so stop being so sad," she scoffs.

he just smiles at her, and somehow it's a look that's hard for her to interpret.

"thank you," he breathes. she raised an eyebrow, "for what?"

"for being here for me," he continues. "you're right, hyera would be so proud if she saw the person i am today."

she smacks his shoulder gently, "i don't know what i'll do without you man," she giggles. "i feel so lucky to have met you in my life."

"me too"

sara walks away to the door but as soon as she reaches the doorknob; he pulls her shoulders back,turning her around swiftly. she was taken aback on how close they are from each other. her body freezes as he went closer; closing the gap left between them, connecting his lips on hers softly.

she was stunned at how fast things happened, finally closing her eyes as the kiss registered through her mind. his lips moves slowly, allowing her to catch on the rhythm. sneaking his arms around her waist, he pulls her closer.

she melts over his touch, finding herself falling even more. crush ? it's a whole new feel that's overwhelming her now that she's so sure that it wasn't just a crush. she really likes him, and it felt surreal.

tilting his head slowly, he pulls away for a few seconds; admiring her face before their lips latches again and this time, he kisses her passionately.

everything that happens feels too good to be real. both of them wanted this moment to last forever, the moment that they want to cherish on for an eternity.

he pulls away slowly as they're losing their own breath, leaving a sweet aftertaste. he rested his forehead on hers as his hand strokes her cheeks slowly, admiring it. she couldn't help but to smile as her cheeks turns bright red.

"i love you"

what are we even, sara ?

she stares deep into his eyes, searching for the answer that she has been looking for all these times.

"what are we ?" she says, gently removing hair strands from his face.

"love me first then you'll find out"

frowns came out from his mouth as her ringtone blasts out loud, interrupting the moment that he waited on forever. she looks at him sheepishly, before slowly releasing the grip that she has around him.

"yes, this is sara chae speaking"

a moment of silence surrounded them as the smile on her face falls; quickly pulling his hand together with her, running out from the hospital hallway.

"the heart.." she says as they ran. "there's some complications-,"

"fuck," he breathes, trying to catch on his breath as they stopped infront of the traffic that flashes the green light. he feels his own heartbeat increasing, and he knows that it isn't only about the fact that sara and him just ran out from the hospital.

it's the fact that there's a high chance of lee juyeon losing the heart that he has been waiting for, which automatically putting a death sentence on him.

"fuck,fuck,fuck" he cussed the every seconds that wasted their time, repeatedly.

"jae, calm down" sara says, lowkey wanting him to stop panicking.

"he might lose the heart, he might die !" he shouts. 

the same feeling that haunts him for life, it's there. the feelings that he would never ever been able to forget, he can feel it slowly sink in his heart once again.

his brain starts to pounds as the dark thoughts overpowering his mind. automatically holding his head with both of his hands; the world suddenly goes in slow motion, and his mind went empty.

he can feel it; the nightmares seeping in, that was slowly killing his soul.

as the world moves slowly, his body finally giving up on him; loud crash echoes through her ears as it rings through with her own screams.

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