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"doctor chae, present the case"

the situation in the vip room was a bit different than what they have been expected. they thought an old man who's barely hanging on was the one who's on the top list of the heart transplant. instead, they were wrong. the person who is laying on the bed was way far than what they pictured him in mind.

both of their jaws dropped down and their minds went somewhere else. younghoon shots a glare but neither sara or hyunjae was paying attention to him. he snaps his fingers, finally bringing them back to reality.

it's not their fault really, anyone who ever comes into that room would have the same reaction as they did too.

instead of a wrinkly faced old man, there's a young man with fair skin and godlike visuals laying on the bed. the patient looks up to both of the doctors infront of him, smiling shyly as they bowed.

"lee juyeon, 24 years old. just got admitted to get a new heart after two years of waiting on the transplant list" she blinks, reading the patient's chart.

"alright, juyeon. let's get you some new heart" younghoon said while giving him a few sheets of papers for him to sign. "doctor chae here will be assisting me in your surgery and she will keep a close eyes on you before and after the surgery"

hyunjae was caught off guard. he turns to younghoon while whining. "but sir why can't i be on this case too?"

"look at your arm, tell me how are you able to help me with that" the attending snickers, pointing at his wrapped up arm.

"it's just a little wound sir i can work-"

younghoon hands all of the papers to sara and smiles at hyunjae, signalling that his decision is final and him begging was an act of uselessness as it won't ever work on him. he sighs, looking down to the floor as younghoon leaves the room.

"this is all your fault"

sara looks at him with a puppy face, building the urge in him to smack her head infront of the patient even more but eventually decides against it as it will cause his whole career for that stupidity. he rolls his eyes, walking his way out right after.

she returns her full attention to the patient infront of him as he starts to cough, struggling to breathe. her hands grabbing the oxygen tube which has been laying on the other side of the bed, carefully helping him to put it in his nose. he thanked her while both of his hands holding his chest, pressing it hard, hoping that it would lessen the pain.

her eyes fixed on him, silently having her own thoughts on how cruel fate can be to someone. the man infront of her, barely in his early twenties, have to sacrifice his whole life fighting for a disease that happens to be in his body.

she watches as his body tensed up even more, he starts to punch his own chest. she quickly grabs his arms, while her other hand tries to pat him slowly from behind, calming him down. she then slowly pushed his body back and lay his head down the pillows, giving all of the support his body needs.

juyeon stops, his eyes swelling up with tears as he tries to hold them in. the pain squeezing in between his heart makes he wants to throw up. moreover, a doctor is infront of him. he hates it when a person looks at him with those sympathetic eyes, like the look that sara has on her face right now.

"stop looking at me like that" he blurts out.

sara pulls both of her hands off him, slightly shocked. she immediately looks away and take the charts that she threw away earlier to help him.

"i- i am sorry"

he shakes his head, holding his hands up giving the signal to her to stop talking. he inhales for air a few times before sinking his body back into the bed.

" no, it's okay. just don't look at me with that face, that sympathetic look.. i don't really like that"

she nods slowly, trying to control her face expressions. a grin appears on his face as he holds out his hand, "im juyeon, nice to meet you"

"sara, sara chae. nice meeting you too"

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