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preparing for something important like exams especially when you are taking one of the most hardest course for your degree has always been depressing and stressful, but wedding preparations definitely humbled down both the chief of surgery and the scrub nurse. rania sighs as she looks at the unorganised flowers and different kind of equipment needed to assemble it to be beautiful mini bouquets as door gifts everywhere on the floor.

scanning around, her eyes caught a sight of two persons laughing while putting white roses on each other's ears, while another figure busy recording the two idiots playing around with his phone. she sighs deeply once again before walking closer to them, significantly pulling both of their ears.

"i ask for help not for more burden you idiots," she says slowly as both of them screams while pleading for her to stop. "okay, okay sorry rania stop it hurts!"

rania let them go as she shoots deadly glare to eric who's still recording from his phone. he quickly stops, making an effort to slip his phone into his pocket, scared of the possibility for her to take it away from him.

"you're getting married next week rania, chill everything is under control," sunwoo says as he walks into the hall, carrying two big boxes stacks on each other, carefully placing it at the corner of the hall. "bride aren't supposed to get stressed over wedding preparations. just leave it to us, we'll handle it with your family." he smiles.

"how can i not worry when everything does not seem like its done at all ? look at these two idiots, only knows to play but never get the work done. it's been one hour since they arrived but only one door gift is done." she lets out sternly, glaring at those two.

"at least be glad we're here to help," hyunjae snaps back, slightly giggling as he looks at rania who didn't stop glaring. "okay, alright we'll do it properly. don't stare at me like that."

sara on the other side of his wheelchair only manage to snort before finally focusing on her work. the mission both she and hyunjae has; helping rania with her door gifts while they give her some beauty time to prepare herself for the big day. realising that they only make her worry even more, sara stands up and walk to rania, showing her a finished mini bouquet with yellow wrapper.

"don't worry,rania. you should go and do some bride preparations. i promise you we'll get this done in no time. it's not much left, plus we did around 200 bouquets already since yesterday. it's in the box, if you're wondering."

rania turns to where sara was pointing, and she was right. bunch of mini bouquets were already put in the box, she finally smiles. "thank you,sara. what do i do without you and sunwoo ?"

"you are welcome ??" the wheelchair guy scoffs but she only rolls her eyes as response. "fine. i'll go back to my apartment and get some rest. thanks once again guys. you guys are indeed the best." she rolls his eyes again, "and yeah you too mr. lee hyunjae." side eyeing the other guy, "you too mr. eric sohn."

rania then packs up her things and leaves, making mental notes to run some errands on her way home.

"well, now that the bride and groom to be are gone, let's finish and wrap up quickly. i have shifts tomorrow, not looking forward to sleep all the way through it though." sara says, as her hands works faster, still making sure the the end product were all perfect without any damage.

"wait, isn't tomorrow was supposed to be our day off since we have to go to the boutique and have our final fittings for the wedding ?" sunwoo asks, while passing hyunjae his water bottle. "chief even said we got the whole day off, though.."

sara gives no response and keep on tying up the white and yellow mini roses together, before she matches it with white wrapping paper. her mind subconsciously starts to wander around as she gets immersed into finishing up her mini bouquet. a familiar feeling creeps up, giving chills runs through her spine.

her eyes found the figure sitting on the wheelchair, looking like he's busy with his bouquet. he looks fine, with those black hair covering his forehead at the perfect length, complimenting his facial features. his eyes that shine glitters and his perfectly sculpted nose. not forgetting lips that always curves into a very sweet smile as his eyes formes into crescent shaped.

he looks happy and fine. he looks healthy, and everything seems to be fine. everything slowly falls back to its place, giving reasons on why should those feelings should find its way out. she's confused, about how she feels, about how he makes her feel things, about how he becomes the only thing that she's worried about all day long when she should not be.

why do i still feel like this, even when everything is finally going the way that we wanted it to be ?

he is fine, at least. she thought.

keep your feelings to yourself. drain out those negative thoughts, sara. he is fine, nothing will happen.

her thoughts suddenly flew away as a sunwoo flicks her forehead unknowingly, with him already getting ready to leave. "leave it there, we'll continue tomorrow. it's getting late, i'll send you home."

"but i need to send hyunjae back to the hospital, you can go first." sara replies, quickly gathering things near her and stands up, matching her height with sunwoo.

"oh my god, did you space out or did you passed out ?" he comments. "i already said that i'll send both you and hyunjae on the way. please, i know being surgeon means getting zero sleep but at least try to sneak some time off to be human, sara. you're not robots."

"oh," is what all left her mouth. she scratches her head, before her eyes switches to hyunjae. he smiles at her sweetly, gesturing for her to help him out with the wheelchair. sara walks to the wheelchair, pushing it slowly as sunwoo already walks out to his car.

"there's no stars today," she says, looking up.

"yeah, and the sky looks empty." he comments, naturally looking up at the same sky as her. "let's go, sara. sunwoo and eric are waiting for us."

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