Chapter 33: Comatose

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Clare's POV:

After I mindlessly wept for no reason, I quickly tore after Remi and the pack doctors. I was barefooted, the grass was damp and slippery beneath me and with every step I pushed off the ground harder with more motivation. I was sure that my white dress was torn, muddy and ruined and my hair was a knotted mess but I didn't care.

Remi was just as close as a sister to me and I would never have a real sister. Remi had shown me how to be beautiful while being myself and she'd shown me the real meaning of family wasn't your blood relatives, it was who cared about you and picked you up when you fell hard. Remi had been there for me and now I needed to pick her up before she hit rock bottom. As I approached the house, I saw many of the unhurt and slightly wounded warriors outside of the house. Most of their injuries were already dressed.

I slammed through the front doors, pushing them both easily out of the war. Mitch's dad and mom were standing in the hallway, hugging and holding each other. I always knew they were great mates but seeing them likes this while just a crisis was happening was so painful to watch. I turned away and searched the room for Mitch but only found pack doctors swarming one room which I guess was Remi's room. I figured since Remi's parents weren't allowed in, that I wasn't allowed in but I was one of those people that has to put up a fight about everything.

I pushed passed the pack doctors and I heard many of them yell at me to 'leave' or 'get out', but I kept my chin high and continued to walk into Remi's room. I saw her laying on the hospital bed, IV's went into her body on both arms, her blood had been cleaned up and now a bandaged leg and a bandaged torso remained. Before I walked beside her bed, someone grabbed my shoulder and I knew exactly who it was.

I instantly threw my arms around his shoulders even though we both smelled horrible and my arms ached horribly.

I breathed deeply into his shoulder before whispering, "Holy shit. I missed you." Suddenly tears dropped one after another from my dirty face to the tiled floor that wreaked off sanitization.

Mitch smiled against my skin and the sparks exploded in my cells making me shiver with happiness. "I miss you too." Mitch said. "I'm so glad you're okay. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. You're so brave and you're the greatest Luna this pack has had. Thank you."

Then, a pack doctor, Dr.Rogan, tapped Mitch's shoulder. We moved apart and looked at Dr.Rogan. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked but I knew the answer when pain filled his brown eyes.

"Remi's comatose. I'm so sorry." Dr.Rogan spoke sorrowfully and sincerely.

"When will she wake up?" Mitch asked, sadness overtook him and I felt his wolf in pain.

"I have no idea."

"YOU'RE A DOCTOR! YOU SHOULD KNOW!" Mitch yelled and I saw his canines extend as his hands made fists and his knuckles turned white.

"I'm afraid the only thing that can wake her up, is her mate. Does she have one yet?" Dr.Rogan asked but he knew the answer.

"Thank you, Dr. Rogan." I said and then Dr.Rogan walked swiftly away.

"My sister's in a coma." Mitch spoke. Tears streaked his face and I could feel how broken Zeus was.

"She'll wake up. Come on, let's go find Josh." I offered. Mitch nodded slowly and we stood up, walking out of the clinic.

We found Josh at the tunnel exit. He was helping other pack members evacuate the women and children.

Oops. Would it be horrible to say that I forgot about them?

I caught Josh's attention and he ran over. Before either of us knew it, we were hugging. His arms wrapped tightly around my back and my arms holding his waist close to me.

"Hey sis", Josh said while hugging me.

"Hey, big bro", I replied and we laughed. Josh had always been there for me.

"We should talk", I said and I felt him nod. Mitch, Josh and I went to a close by lake and sat in the grass next to the shore.

"You probably have a lot of questions." Josh said and I simply nodded and began my round of questions.

"Where was I born?" I asked.

"Great Bear Lake." Josh replied.

"Why did mom leave me in Cold Creek?"

"She was a rogue and on the run. She knew I was already in the pack so she left you in the woods. Luke didn't find out about our blood relationship until years later. You were young and we were in the basement. I pushed you out the window and you ran to our old fort. Luke nearly beat me to death. I was exiled and I lived the rest of my life as a rogue looking for mom. I never found her though. I'm sorry Clare." Josh explained. I felt my jaw drop and I closed my mouth when he finished.

"Wow..that's a lot to take in." I said. Mitch looked apologetic and he took my hand into his and squeezed.

"Get up." Josh commanded as he stood up. Mitch and I looked at him, confused, but we stood anyways.

"Um..why are we standing?" I asked.

Before we knew it, Josh reached out violently and tapped my shoulder while screaming, "TAG YOU'RE IT!" Josh suddenly ran towards the tree line and Mitch followed after him.

"YOU'LL REGRET THAT, JOSHY!" I screamed after him and began running fast to catch up to them. I laughed as we ran. I was close and I could almost reach Mitch's tail of his shirt. Josh was a few steps ahead.

I leaped high and far and tagged Mitch on his back shoulder. "MITCH IS IT!" I yelled and I raced ahead to Josh. Mitch laughed at my childish side and tried to catch up but Josh and I were way to fast for him.

Finally, we all 'timed out' and stopped to rest. Mitch was still technically 'it'. Again we began running after each other. Mitch was on Josh's heels and was about to jump to tag him. Mitch ungracefully tagged Josh and I tried to get away from Josh but he tagged me again.

Josh and Mitch laughed as they ran ahead and I cursed to myself, "Damn it, Josh." before running to tag Mitch once again.


A/N: HEY GUYS! So I figured Mitch, Josh and Clare had been through so much and they needed a break. Therefore, tag. 😂

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was a mixture of tragedy and fun and Clare, Mitch and Josh ended up becoming closer. 💕

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