Chapter Seven: Broke

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Chapter Seven: Broke

I woke up to a bright white light shining in my face. I turned my face to the right, away from the direct light. I saw white walls, a white table, tubes, a heart monitor, I was obviously in the pack doctor's building. I looked to my left and saw Mitch, a worried look on his face, I saw his lips move but I didn't hear anything. I saw the doctor in her white clothing. I blinked slowly, trying to get used to the light, it hurt my eyes. 

"Can you turn off the light?", my voice was raspy, dehydrated, I tried to licked my lips, but my tongue was dry too. The doctor nodded and quickly switched the light off. My eyes felt a lot better. I could see Mitch better, too. Mitch was tired, he had bags under his eyes, his eyes were droopy. I moved myself more to the other side of the bed and patted the spot next to me. Mitch looked at the doctor, the doctor nodded in approval and Mitch climbed onto the bed next to me. We were face to face.

I looked him in the eyes, assuring him that I was okay. And, I really was. I didn't even feel anything. 

"You broke your back. I carried you back, took you here. You've been asleep for three weeks. I had to travel with the beta to Willow Tree Pack to get special medication. When I got back, your heart stopped because I took longer than I should've. You couldve died.", A tear rolled down Mitch's face.

He thought he lost me. 

*** Listen to Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran when you start reading from here down ***

I slowly put my right hand in his hair, it was still soft even though I knew he hadn't showered in days. I played with his soft hair for a few more minutes before he put his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. I was against his chest, breathing his scent in. I burrowed my head into the crook of his neck. 

The doctor walked out of the room, probably because it was awkward. I didn't care if she cared, I didn't care if she told the pack. Hell, I didn't care if she told Cold Creek Pack, they meant nothin to me now, they were just a faded memory and a few gradually fading scars. Mitch smiled against me, I felt it on my skin. Tingles ran down my arms. I smiled too. 

Mitch and I stayed there for a while. 

It was so perfect, so perfect for a girl with so many scars. 

"Clare, I really missed you."

"Me too, Mitch."

"I'm so in love.", Tris whispered.

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