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A/N: this chapter is unedited, so i apologise if it's poorly written! I promise the chapters will get much better than this!

( play the song above when there is a * )

I look around in awe at all the city lights, the cars, the people and i feel small. I have always loved this city, i was born and raised here my whole life and i don't know any other life. I look to my right and a lonely, beautiful cloud hangs in the night sky. It's my usual evening walk, from one end of town to the other. My favorite time is when the sun is setting, people are tucked up in their homes, the shops are closing and the world is ready for bed.

The streets are quiet, no cars are driving and the only sound I can make out from a few blocks away is a child's laughter and the local news blaring on the radio.

I find myself forgetting all my worries and troubles as i take slow and short steps with my hands in my pockets, shielding them from the cold breeze.

After my encounter with the stranger yesterday, of which his name i still don't know. I went back to Abby and sat the rest of the night on a couch whilst sipping on beer. I watched her dance and grind all over Jake, as she whispered things into his ear he grabbed her ass and kept his eyes glued onto her cleavage. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the fact this was going on the whole night. But when i told Abby i wanted to go, she made a nasty comment brushing me off and shoved more alcohol into my hand whilst telling me to wait.

I looked for any sign of the stranger for the rest of the night, but it was like he had vanished. So i ended up forgetting about him, and gathering that he had just gone home.

Clearing my head of my thoughts, i continued walking. I watched owners lock up their shops and i saw people walking their dogs before bed. And i smiled at how quiet it was and how beautiful the sunset looked. For a second it reminded me of the morning i met the stranger, i ache to know his name. I don't know what it is that itches at me to know his name, perhaps it's his mysterious presence, or his cold interior but i wanted to know the name of the stranger i helped and couldn't get out of my mind.

Maybe if i found out his name, i'd be able to move on knowing i now know and won't be bothered by it again.

An idea pops into my mind and i pull out my phone, going onto the messages app and clicking Abby's name, before typing out something very unusual of me.

Hey, do you know if there are any big parties coming up? If you're going can i come with you?

Yeah Saturday there is one at Keith's house.

i guess you could come with me lol.

I send back a thumbs up and put my phone back in into my pocket. I decide its time to turn around and begin to make my way home.


Saturday comes round quite fast, I only have 30 minutes before Abby is here and knocking at my door. I rummage through my closet, looking for something decent to wear.

When my floor is covered with clothes and my closet is no longer organized i decide to just wear a simple black leather skirt with a cropped green noodle strap top. My eyes scan my room and i sigh at the mess, i dreaded cleaning it later.

I stumbled over my clothes as i made my way to the big mirror leaned against my wall. I slightly smirked at my outfit, its slightly out my comfort zone but i felt confident in it. I stumble back over the clothes to my dresser and put on my black heels. I look at myself in the mirror one last time and fix my hair.

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