Timinette Chapter 13

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In the time till the class was organized to arrive, only one interesting thing happened in the manor, and that was, that Jason finally had the guts to ask Chloe out, who looked very offended that it had taken him so long. The rest of the time was spent preparing the tours and inviting everyone Lila had ever lied about and the girls remembered to the Gala that was to be held at the end of their trip. It also led to Marinette creating a whole new bunch of outfits for every invited person she knew. And there were a lot of people she knew. Starting by the Kents, over the mayor of Star City to Jagged Stone and his wife Penny. It was so much, that even Tim started to hide her and his coffee to let her sleep once in a while. He loved his girlfriend, he really did, but even he, a coffee fanatic insomatic, could see that it wasn't healthy. So there went his coffee. While the rest of the family was probably happy about it, he wasn't. How was he supposed to survive the endless meetings he was supposed to attend? Or the meeting with Marinette's class? Even though he was sure that for that meeting, his whole family would need a lot more coffee than any of them normally drank.

The day the class arrived began chaotic with a call from a receptionist who asked if he had a new girl and if his old one was free again. After reassuring the guy, and probably scaring the whole staff with his sudden appearance at the hotel he wasn't appointed for, that he and Marinette were still very happy together, Dick figured out they asked, because a brown haired girl with her hair in an ugly hairstyle proclaimed rather loudly that she was dating him, while walking into the lobby. And that was only the beginning. Not only did they find the class in two hostage situations that day as the batfam and had as the Waynes two ransom letters on their table, they also found a black cat themed boy walking around the rooftops, obviously looking for something and being very disrespectful when they reminded him that Gotham wasn't his city to patrol in. The shaken reaction Marinette and Chloe showed at the information that Chat Noir was in the city did nothing to calm them. Not in the slightest. And it was only the first day of the class being there. They really didn't know how they would survive this without maybe, possibly allowing Damian and Jason a shot in trying to kill one of them. If that was the chase. Tim really hoped it would be chat boy. That guy really didn't know how vicious a bird could be.

On the second day, the class visited Gothams museum. Sadly, they decided to ignore the time plan sent to them, and they arrived at the same time, Chloe and Marinette were visiting an exhibition with Mar'i, having agreed on babysitting the half alien. That was actually when Dick first thought of letting his brothers murder the class. Especially when Mar'i had been the only one hurrying out of the car Alfred had used to pick her up. Seeing his daughter distressed and in tears wasn't something he liked to see. "Help." Were her first words, stumbling into the living room and to her father. It immediately alarmed every single one of them, as the girl was normally mostly smiling and happy. "You need to help them." Picking her up onto his lap, Dick looked at her in concern. "Help who? You need to give us a bit more information sweetie." "Marinette and Chloe. That class came when we were still there and saw them. They chased us around the museum and we got out, but while I was getting seated in the car, their teacher reached them and began screaming and grabbed them from getting in the car, claiming that she would sent them home so their parents could discipline them. I don't want them to go. They are nice." She sobbed and burst into tears again. "I will get them. You all should probably search up their contract so we have proof to our claim." Bruce told them, standing to help the two not really official members of their family. As soon as he was gone, Dick carefully held his daughters ears closed and looked around the room. "Who of you already thought of murdering one of them? Or all of them for their stupidity?" Not really being surprised by the three hands shooting in the air. But that was only the start of the day. As they were finishing patrol, they found Chat Noir with a card of the city in his hands, looking for ways to the manor. Babs agreed that they really should keep an eye on him, and from that day on, Chloe and Marinette were not allowed out of the manor after nine, and if they really needed something at that time, then only with one of them as a civilian and another trailing them as a bat. Someone safe us, was Marinette's only thought, it has only been two days. Where the hell was this leading?

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