6: Hestia

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Percy POV

I woke up in a dimly lit room. For a second, it caught me off guard. I was sleeping in a strange room with weird paintings on the wall. I was never attracted to museums, so I'm not familiar with exhibits and paintings. 

I groaned while getting up. My entire stomach was sore. I had difficulty sleeping last night because Stella kept crying. I fed and changed her, but nothing helped. Finally, I put her to sleep, but it took ver three hours. I hoped she didn't bother the people around our room. She was still sleeping in the crib next to my mattress. 

I slapped my face to wake myself up. 

"There's a clock in your room in case you need the time," a voice echoed. 

I looked up to see a red-haired girl. The rooms in the East sector don't have a door, but Charles set up curtains for every room. She was standing at the entrance. She had frizzy hair and a freckled face. I met her yesterday in the dining area, and her name is Rachel. 

"It was a rough night with Stella," I responded. I looked around in confusion. "Were you watching me sleep?"

Rachel chuckled. "No, I was watching the baby. I haven't seen a baby since before the apocalypse. I thought there weren't any left."

Her melodious laughter made me smile. She was the only one I met during the apocalypse who doesn't hesitate to smile. Rachel is happy and bright all the time. It's great for boosting people's morale. 

I picked Stella up and smelled some poop. 

"All right, girl, we gotta change your diaper," I said with fake cheer. 

Rachel smiled before saying, "That's going to be my cue to leave. I like babies, but I don't like feces or spit-up. Have fun."

"Thanks, Rachel," I laughed. 

"Furthermore, Chiron wanted me to tell you that the bathrooms are open to you. He dropped a bag off late last night." Rachel gestured to the bag of supplies near the room entrance. "Also, breakfast starts at 9 every day." 

I nodded before Rachel left. My gaze lingered on her back and a smile grew on my face. Living at this camp didn't seem so bad. However, I'm still hesitant about living and working with other people. However, a baby would be much safer here than outside. I sighed before turning back to Stella. The baby was staring at me with beautiful wide eyes. 

"What are you looking at?" I grumbled. 

I hugged Stella tightly before getting to work. I didn't change her; instead, I took her to the bathroom. 

I used the sink as a bathtub for the baby. She kept screaming and laughing as the cool water washed over her. I couldn't help but laugh along with her. 

"She's adorable, Percy. Um, did your wife pass away?" someone asked. 

I choked on my spit. 

Charles Beckendorf, whom I met yesterday, walked over and tapped Stella's arm playfully. She shrieked in happiness while splashing the water. Charles laughed while I continued to wash Stella's bum and back. 

"Hey, Beckendorf. I was never married. I'm a little young for marriage, don't you think?" I asked lightly. "Anyway, Stella isn't actually mine. Her mother died, and she passed on to me. However, I treat her like my daughter. She's family." 

I smiled at Stella once more. 

"Yeah. I can see that. Also, blood doesn't make a family. Love does. I can see that you love this baby like she's your own."

"I do. Thanks," I replied. 

I finished with Stella quickly. I pulled her out of the sink, dried her, and dressed her in a yellow onesie. Charles had finished getting dressed, and he was applying some deodorant to his body. 

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