26: Fever

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Percy POV

Thalia, Nico, and I climbed the stairs of a nearby apartment building. The apartment complex was only a few blocks from the museum. Rather than continuing to travel, we opted to take shelter somewhere. 

It was another one of those zombie migration days. There were hordes of zombies on the streets, so we needed to go somewhere safe. 

"Are we sure that this building is safe?" Thalia asked. 

"We're going to the top of the building. As we get higher, there are usually fewer zombies. We'll find one apartment to settle down for some time," I responded. 

Thalia nodded while Nico didn't say anything. Nico was walking in front of us, and his face was downcast. It's only been a few hours since Bianca died. I can't imagine the thoughts that were going through his fractured head. Thalia and I were keeping a close eye on Nico so that we can support him. 

I guess we were hoping the dam wouldn't break, but we were also preparing ourselves in case we need to reassure Nico. Hazel would be more helpful than me or Thalia though. 

We reached the fourteen floor and roamed through the hall. 

There wasn't a single zombie this high up, which was good news. Thalia stood in front of apartment 1410. There was a wreath hanging on the door. It seemed welcoming, so we decided to go inside. 

The door was locked, so I broke in. 

"Where did you learn to pick locks?" Thalia asked with a smirk. I smiled while walking into the lonely apartment. There was nothing and no one. 

"I used to be quite the rebel during my teen years."

"That doesn't even surprise me."

Nico tossed his backpack on the couch before retreating deeper into the apartment. He's scoping the location for us. I sighed before looking at Thalia. 

"I'm worried about him," I expressed. "It can't be easy to lose someone you love."

"Nico will be fine in time, Percy," Thalia answered. "Because of this zombie apocalypse, everyone lost someone they love. He'll get through it."

I nodded while shutting the front door. There was no electricity in this building, but we didn't mind that. It was a warm summer day. I opened the curtains to the balcony to let some sunlight into the living room. The kitchen was devoid of food. The camp's guards had probably raided this building already. 

Thalia sat down on the leather couch and rummaged through her backpack. She also had Will's medical bag as well. 

I groaned while settling on the couch next to her. My back slouched against the dark leather before turning myself around. I slept on my stomach while exposing my back injury. Agonizing pain was flaring through my body. 

"Percy, you have to hang in there," Thalia reassured. 

"It's hurting like hell. Since we stopped moving, the adrenaline is wearing off."

Just then, Nico walked back into the room and sat down on the ground. He rested his bloody knife on the carpet before leaning his head back. His eyes closed, and his hair fell over his eyes. He wasn't crying anymore, but a storm was brewing. I could feel the sadness and anger radiating off him. 

Thalia pulled out a loaf of bread before splitting it into three pieces. She tossed one at me before placing another piece of bread inside of Nico's hands. 

We simply sat quietly while devouring our bread. 

"The rest of the apartment is clear. There are two bedrooms, and both of them have mattresses in them. I know that you both are worried about me, but I need some time alone," Nico answered.

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