28: Journey

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Percy POV

"I don't know exactly where they went. Chiron, Luke, and Annabeth were discussing two viable options for relocation. They kept the backup plan confidential so that everyone would remain calm," Thalia explained. 

"So, what are the two options?" I asked. 

"Give me a few seconds to think," Thalia snapped in frustration. I sighed before looking out the window. We were driving across the bridge, officially leaving Manhattan. 

I felt terrible about pressuring Thalia for answers, but I wanted to get back to my sister. The longer I'm away from Stella, the harder it seems to get back to her. Nico was another problem. We have to get him back to Hazel before soon. Hazel would be able to help him through the loss of their older sister. 

Nico needs family more than friends at the moment. 

"Was this the bridge you were shot on?" Nico asked quietly. His voice came as a surprise because he hadn't spoken all morning. 

"Yup. This is that bridge. It feels so long ago," I whispered. My arm was resting on the car's window while my hand was waving to the wind. The fresh breeze and cloudy sky felt so good compared to the recent hot summer days. 

"You probably didn't trust us at all when you first came to the camp. After all, our guards shot you on a bridge."

"Yeah, but I was disguised as a zombie. I don't blame Annabeth for attacking me or Luke for shooting me. I literally had blood and guts all over my body. It was the only way to cross the bridge and get into the city," I said. 

"Bianca, Hazel, and I lived in Las Vegas. We were visiting New York on a tourist trip. We were separated when the apocalypse came about. I miss her."

I paused and looked over my chair. 

Nico was slumped in the backseat. His eyes were glossy as he looked out the window at the passing buildings. New York City is huge, so we'd have to travel through several miles of busy streets before getting to more isolated regions. I was looking forward to driving through more rural areas; there would be much fewer zombies. 

"We all miss her, Nico. She was such a pure soul." 

"Bianca was the first person who I came out to," Nico affirmed. 

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. I twisted my body around to face Nico directly. Pain flared due to stretching the muscles of my back. I hissed slightly before gazing into Nico's face again. 

Thalia smirked before turning a corner. She seemed to be laughing at me, which made me feel dumb. I was missing something. 

"You're smarter than you look, but you're still so oblivious," Thalia teased. 

"I'm gay, Percy." 

"I know you like guys, Nico. I've seen your interaction with Will Solace. After seeing that kind of flirting, I had no doubts about your sexuality," I said. "I meant, most people don't tell their sisters first that they're gay."

"Bianca and I were very close. Even when my parents were absent, Bianca took care of me and Hazel. She was the one who advised me to move on from you."

That stumped me completely. 

While I figured out that Nico was gay, I wasn't expecting him to have a crush on me. I didn't know what to make of the information. I decided to play it off. 

"Well, my hotness is enough for anyone to be attracted to me," I sassed. 

"You're cute, but you're not my type," Nico retorted. 

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