7: Guards

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Annabeth POV

The people in the survival camp have many duties. Even the kids have certain responsibilities to help with the functionality of the mini-society established here. For instance, my brothers help with transporting resources within the museum from time to time. 

One rule that everyone must obey is to NOT go into the South sector. There's only one hallway that leads to the South sector exhibit.

Only select personnel can go into the South sector. 

No one can break the rule. We even have guards stationed in the hallway to ensure no one breaks the master rule. We have enforced the South sector off-limits rule for a very good reason. We don't talk about what happens on the other side with anyone. 

The rest of the museum is open to everyone. However, people usually stay in the middle and north sectors. 

The guards spend a lot of time in the back of the museum near the garage. The entire hallway is filled with weapons and training areas. The exhibits were cleaned out to facilitate a space for the guards. I work as a guard as well. 

Essentially, the guards protect the museum, set the traps, make rounds, and go out on raids for additional resources. Our last raid across the bridge is how I first met Percy. Most of the raids happen to gather resources such as food and living supplies. Sometimes, the kids would request specific toys or games, so we pick those up if we can. 

"Annie, pay attention or you'll get punched," Thalia said quickly. Her arm swung above my head, and I ducked at the last minute. "What with you today? You're lost in your mind."

We stopped fighting and took a water break. 

"Sorry, Thals. I've just been thinking," I answered. 

"That doesn't surprise me one bit. You're always thinking. I wish that there's someone in this world who can relax your busy mind," Thalia quipped. I smiled at her caring nature. However, she's right. I usually don't relax. 

"Considering most of our world is zombies now, I don't think such a person exists," I countered. 

My mind is always racing with plans and ideas. No one has managed to curb that part of me even when I need to relax and calm down from time to time.

"No, you just restrict yourself too much."

Just then, Chiron wheeled into the guard hallway with Percy. It was the first time (besides the bridge) that I'd seen Percy without Baby Estelle. Percy and Chiron were talking about the responsibilities of the guard while approaching us. 

Thalia analyzed Percy closely. Her brother, Jason, likes Percy. Most of the guys have gotten to talk to Percy, and they all seem happy with his presence. 

But, I'm not a huge fan of Percy. He's annoying. 

"Hello, Chiron. We weren't expecting you here today," Thalia greeted. Other guards paused whatever they were doing and approached us. 

Percy walked them closely. Once again, he was taking stalk of his surroundings, probably out of habit. He didn't trust everyone here yet, but that's understandable. All the newcomers are hesitant about opening up to everyone. 

"I came to formally introduce Percy to the other guards. We both believe that the guard is the right place for an experienced fighter/survivor like Percy," Chiron said firmly. The others nodded in agreement while I remained neutral. 

"Anyone who's survived this long should be considered an experienced survivor. That's what I believe," Percy expressed. 

Piper and Jason smiled at that sentence. To be honest, it was a profound sentence. He was humble while also stating facts. The zombie apocalypse started 8 months ago, and most of the planet has been wiped out. If you survived this long, then you are a worthy survivor. 

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