Chapter 10

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The True Slayer

AN: Yo my peeps how is it going this fine day.

Now  please forgive me for not updating in time like before but my updating  schedule is out of whack right now. So you guys might be seeing me  update at random time for the next month or two.

Please  be patient ok because this new laptop is being stubborn with me and  won't let me stay logged into my Wi-Fi so right now I'm trying to fix  that little issue.

But hopefully I'll have it fixed soon and can really get back on track with my stories.

Now then let's get on with the double-digit chapter yay....

Chapter Ten

Harem so far.... Tayuya x Erza x Mirajane x Kin X and now Naruko because all you sick people out there asked for it....

Nah  just messing with you I kind of like it actually... don't get me wrong  Incest is wrong in the real world but hey this isn't it is it.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

-Last Time-Master's Office-

Naruto was currently in his office with his mates and Laxus of all people along with Natsu, Lisanna, and Gray.

''So what now master?'' Natsu asked with a little grin.

'sigh'  ''I don't know for now we'll recover from this blow and try to prove to  Fiore that we haven't gotten weak but instead gotten stronger... also I'm  thinking in holding the S-class trails earlier this time so be ready  for that.''

Before anyone could ask another question they heard a knock on the door.

''Enter!'' Naruto called out

In came his sister with a sad expression and was fidgeting with her hands as if scared to say something.

''Yes Naruko what can I help you with?'' Naruto asked

''Can we speak in private brother?'' Naruko asked

''I'm  sorry but we are currently in the middle of an important meeting so  just get to the point.'' Naruto said making her look down at the ground

''It's about why I came here in the first place.''

Everyone waited for her to continue her speech. This intrigued everyone since they all knew she was from another world.

''Oh and what might that reason be?'' Naruto asked teasingly

They saw that Naruko went silent and just started shaking making them raise an eyebrow at her reaction.

''It-it's  just that a group calling themselves the Akatsuki attacked the  elemental villages kidnapping all their jinchuuriki's... and well the  leader came to the leaf and attacked it to find me... h-he killed everyone  Naruto mother, father, godfather, godmother no one was spared I didn't  die because your adopted mother came and got me out in time... mother  screamed at her to save me while papa fought the leader...'' Naruto and  the others saw her fall to the ground sobbing.

''... h-he  was no match even with his Flying Thunder God Technique he couldn't  touch him so miss Lily took me and sent me hear telling me to find you...  she also said that she would put a wall between this world and the ninja  world making it impossible to get here so that the Akatsuki can't ever  come here since it's powered by the chakra of my world so if it ever  runs out the wall will break down.'' Naruko explained making everyone  present look at her with sad eyes.

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