This is UA where all the magic happens!

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MidnightAurora: Soo why did you leave me in the infirmary mom?

PosionousDoctor: Ohh just because i needed to talk to your mom for a second.

MidnightAurora: About what?

MidnightAurora: WAIT Is this why you checked me up earlier?

PosionousDoctor: No its just a report on your physical health.

MidnightAurora: .... I just back-read it. MOM I am fine. I told you I got hurt during sport activities at school!

PosionousDoctor: Yeah we know its just the rest of your body.

MidnightAurora: I am just very clumsy okay.

PosionousDoctor: I understand fully, back in my younger days I had atleast 50 clumsy fools. A month.

MidnightAurora: Wait what? But I swear I am just very clumsy. This has nothing to do with my class or the school.

PosionousDoctor: Okay. I'm just here to fix everything up for you, come back if you fall again or such.

MidnightAurora: ... I think I forgot something in the car. Brb!

MidnightAurora went offline


PosionousDoctor: Wha-

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Please tell me you treated him.

PosionousDoctor: No i didn't have the chance to. Couldn't even finish the exam!

Don'tTouchMyAurora: If anyone see him @all then stop my child but don't hurt him.

PosionousDoctor: What am i supposed to do??? Heal him?

Don'tTouchMyAurora: If you can but probably not. You have something I can give him so he can patch hinself up later?

Baboon: OH I SEE HIM

Baboon: @ALL

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Don't you dare touch him! I would rather he hide for a bit longer than see hour damn face monkey!

InvincibleBrick: Ahm..

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Hm? Please tell me Izu is all right!

NotVampireNOcape: Ahm... there is All Might on the floor... I think the kid kicked him in the crotch... .

InvincibleBrick: That would be correct..

InvincibleBrick: And now I can see him trying to drive your car midnight.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Oh hell nah not again!

Don'tTouchMyAurora: @Coffee4Life stop him! You and @NotVampireNOcape are surely outside with your students training.

Coffee4Life: Why? I thought both of you hated me?2

Don'tTouchMyAurora: I don't hate you Sho. We are friends for who knows how long but the kid does. Still you rather have him kill himself cause he doesn't know to drive!

Coffee4Life: Alright fine

Coffee4Life: I'll pay for the tire. Tires that is.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: No need for that as long as he is fine. Please tie him up and bring him back like one of your problem childrens.

InvincibleBrick: And now aizawa is carrying a human burrito.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Thank god. At least he won't harm himself in a stupid way again.

MidnightAurora went online

Coffee4Life: Before you yell at me your mother told me to do that.

MidnightAurora: ... I can read very well thank you. Still can you untie me a bit more and not leave me in a room full of your students ALONE?

Coffee4Life: You gonna run off?

MidnightAurora: Do I have to answer?

MidnightAurora: Better question: Do you want a lie, a worse lie or the truth?

Coffee4Life: I regret asking. Midnight what do i do?

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Did you really leave him alone?

Coffee4Life: My students aren't that bad...


Coffee4Life: What are they doing? Which one can I expell?!?!

MidnightAurora: One is asking me weird questions and the other one is drawing something on your scarf... It's smelly too. When did you last time wash that thing?

Coffee4Life: Which two?

MidnightAurora: Your scarf is worse. Oh and the one Orange kid in your class. Not as if there were not 3.... The you know the annoying one.

Coffee4Life: Damn those are both of the normal ones.

MidnightAurora: Get them off me and what's with the human cockroach guy? He is scaring the shit out of me!

Coffee4Life: Alright im coming!

MidnightAurora: I'll get all your coffee and switch it out if you don't get me out of this... I am literally hanging from the ceiling BECAUSE!

PsychoMickeyMouse: Bad idea even with your mom as a shield.

MidnightAurora: JUST GET ME DOWN BEFORE I DECIDE TO RELEASE ALL KIND OF STUFF I HAVE ABOUT UA TO THE NEWS STATION! I am sure they will be happy and bring it to todays 8 o'clock news.

Coffee4Life: Nezu I'm expelling my whole fucking class.

Coffee4Life: Don't even expect me to keep them or debate I just am.

MidnightAurora: Well he will be happy cause otherwise I'll be digging for dirt and expose them to the point he will be crying. Now GET ME DOWN HERE!!! I am starting to feel dizzy.

Coffee4Life: Alright you good?

MidnightAurora: NO..... Get me down and bring a bucket....

MidnightAurora: Why did they had to spin me....

Coffee4Life: Got ya.

Coffee4Life: Oh they spun ya? Time to have just a little fun...

MidnightAurora: ... I swear

MidnightAurora went offline

Coffee4Life went offline


Baboon: So Anyone explain why I walked into an empty class?

InvincibleBrick: Because Aizawa is putting his students through hell under hell for this.

Baboon: Less work for me, I guess.

InvincibleBrick: You don't even do work. You just end up paying me to clean the stuff your supposed to clean. Janitor.

Baboon: Well you get paid so be happy. And I do work for the record... I teach them how to destroy things.

InvincibleBrick: Destroying things is easy!

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