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MidnightAurora: So... ahm why am I staying with you guys? Mom just said to be with you and why was Nezu saying weird things?

Banshee: Ah.. Your mom went to go do some things to a chimera.

Banshee: You killed his hardest project

MidnightAurora: You mean the brain cell?

Banshee: Yes.

MidnightAurora: He literally attacked me because he was mad that people started laughing at me. What was I supposed to do? Leave it there so he haunts me?

Banshee: Uh your mom was there right? And mirio?

MidnightAurora: Mirio on the ground and my Mom was with Mirio. She just saw him charging at me and I grabbed the pipe and hit him over his head hard.

Banshee: Uh... Well shit his fault.

MidnightAurora: Take these dogs away from me

Banshee: What dogs? We have cats not dogs!

MidnightAurora: Your life is a mystery.

Banshee: Why is it a mystrery? I'm simply a hero..

MidnightAurora: Mine is an open book.

Banshee: But i don;t understand shit about yours..

MidnightAurora: If I could read your mind....

Banshee: If you could read my mind-

MidnightAurora: I think I'd take a look.

Banshee: At?

MidnightAurora: I'm not scared, baby!

Banshee: Scared of?

MidnightAurora: I don't care!

Banshee: I am confused what don't you care about?

MidnightAurora: What have you got to hide?

Banshee: Ever- NOTHING!

MidnightAurora: What do you need to profe?

MidnightAurora: You're always telling lies!

Banshee: I've never lied to you!

MidnightAurora: And that's the truth!


MidnightAurora: I don't care, baby!

MidnightAurora: I'm not scared!

MidnightAurora: Tonight, the streets are full actors

MidnightAurora: I don't know why!

Banshee: Are you messing with me?

MidnightAurora: Sure am.

Banshee: HAh, I should've caught on sooner being a radio host.

MidnightAurora: Yup. And you were playing this song soo frequently too!

Banshee: Heh I should've known

MidnightAurora: Still... question? Where are you guys? I lost you.

Banshee: We are just coming to the house to pick you and shinso up.

MidnightAurora: Well I kinda got distracted by a cat and ... got outside following some mews and now I am lost.

Banshee: Ah don't worry Zawa will find ya. He knows this city like the back of his hand.

MidnightAurora: Okay good cause I can hear creepy sounds.

MidnightAurora: You think Midnight will let me keep this black cat?

Banshee: 100% if its cute.

Banshee: You'd think she would want 18+ Stuff but nooo

Banshee: Cute stuff all day

MidnightAurora: Well it kinda looks like Zawa with the scar below the eye and it's super fluffy. Has a bit of a grayish fur around the collar too.

Banshee: ... Did Satan get out again..

MidnightAurora: Huh? Is this your cat?

Banshee: Yellow goggles?

MidnightAurora: No but red eyes and a bit of a gray collar.

Banshee: Yeah thats him...

MidnightAurora: ...

Banshee: Aizawa as a cat.. Must have lost the goggles

MidnightAurora: ... Sooo it's yours?

Banshee: yup.

MidnightAurora: ... too bad.

Banshee: Well i mean i heard it has a brother somewhere around this city that looks exactly like him

MidnightAurora: Really?

Banshee: Yes.. Aizawa sees it once or twice a month

MidnightAurora: Can you tell me where? I wanna find it.

Banshee: Around the entertainment sector

MidnightAurora: And off I go. Thanks for the tip!

Banshee: No problem, don't get hurt or anything. Midnight will have my head!

MidnightAurora: Shouldn't you say something on the line with stay where you are if you are lost?

MidnightAurora: But hey thanks! I like you!

Banshee: Probably but Sho got ya just fine.

MidnightAurora: Okay. See ya later than!

Banshee: Seeya another time lil' listener.

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