I am a GHOST! Now you see me, now you don't!

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NotVampireNOcape: What the fuck is going on NOW!

Coffee4Life: Shit keeps pooping out from noWHERE.

InvincibleBrick: You think, SHERLOCK!

JarvisWannaBe: Yeah what the fuck is happening. Everything is going bonkers.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: You really have to ask?

JarvisWannaBe: YES!

JarvisWannaBe: Everytime I go to another place I get jumpscared!

Don'tTouchMyAurora: My dear Aurora, you wanna say something?

MidnightAurora: No.

PosionousDoctor: Now people are flooding in here with jumpscare trauma related shit.

PosionousDoctor: WHO?

MidnightAurora: No one.

MidnightAurora: Just your imagination. Trust me.

PosionousDoctor: Well why do I have 5 students in here?

MidnightAurora: Because they don't have anything better to do.

PosionousDoctor: But cry and scream?

PosionousDoctor: And what the fuck is that black entity near my fucking door!

MidnightAurora: Ahm... it's a optical illusion you just too tired. Take a break for once. Your mind is playing tricks on ya.

PosionousDoctor: I am a doctor, you think I don't get enough sleep?

MidnightAurora: Yes.

PosionousDoctor: I'm always the one telling Aizawa to sleep!

MidnightAurora: Well he is an underground one. He sleeps in the day. Anyways, don't touch that thing physically.

PosionousDoctor: Oh okay.

PosionousDoctor: I'll just smack the shit out of it with my cane then!

MidnightAurora: M'kay.

MidnightAurora: By the way, I am sorry for the extra work you got because of us.

PosionousDoctor: Us? What do you know?

MidnightAurora: Nothing and everything.

PosionousDoctor: Which. ONe.

MidnightAurora: Both obviously hihi


MidnightAurora: Just a bit of fun, why?

PosionousDoctor: I Hate All Of This.

MidnightAurora: Well Ectoplasm is in this with me so you might as well hate him too.

PosionousDoctor: Cane's gonna have to do some work today I see...

PosionousDoctor: Okay thanks :)

PosionousDoctor went offline

MidnightAurora: Don't kill him please!

MidnightAurora: I basically asked for this because I was bored!

Coffee4Life: You should've let her kill him. Now you might be in the crossfire.

MidnightAurora: What you mean?

Coffee4Life: The cane... Pissing RG off = Pain.

MidnightAurora: I don't get it.

Coffee4Life: Ever heard of how much that cane she holds hurts?

MidnightAurora: No. All I know is about how yummy her sweets are :P

Coffee4Life: When you piss her off she comes running at you trying to smack the shit out of you.

MidnightAurora: .... Oh shit! @ SpookyScary ! are you still alive?

SpookyScary: Barely.

SpookyScary: I was able to pull a trickeroo with some clones.

MidnightAurora: Okay. Ahm don't die cause you basically saved me from dying out of boredom.

SpookyScary: Ah don't worry she'll cool down by tomorrow...

SpookyScary: At least I hope.

MidnightAurora: You hope? What about today tho?

MidnightAurora: What you gonna do?

MidnightAurora: Should I help you hide?

MidnightAurora: MOM!!!!! Can you do something?

Don'tTouchMyAurora came online

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Ectoplasm? What happened when I was out?

MidnightAurora: MOM! TT.TT Granny will kill him!

MidnightAurora: It all my fault too!!!

MidnightAurora: TT.TT

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Oh don't worry she will forget by tomorrow. Depending on what you did...

MidnightAurora: Ahm everything that is happening at UA right now kinda-ish....

MidnightAurora: But what about today!

MidnightAurora: I don't want to have the blood of a hero on my hands! TT.TT

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Oh he can hide out at our house for today..

MidnightAurora: Really?

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Yes really.

MidnightAurora: And he will be fine?

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Fine as long as RG doesn't stop by.

MidnightAurora: ... can't you knock her out with your quirk or something... I am scared and worried... I don't wanna be a murderer.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Oh if I did that it would turn worse.

MidnightAurora: Spooky please survive! Don't make me have your blood on my hands! Please!

Don'tTouchMyAurora: You won't have his blood on your hands!

MidnightAurora: Okay... is ther anything to make her calm down? I know coffee works for Zawa.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Uhh...

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Not that I know of..

MidnightAurora: I am going into the lion's den. Wish me luck mom!

MidnightAurora went offline

Don'tTouchMyAurora: WAI-

SpookyScary: Did he just self sacrifice himself for me?

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Yes he literally just ran at RG...

SpookyScary: If you ever get to tired or annoyed of him, send him over to me.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Never.. But sure

SpookyScary: Did he survive?

Don'tTouchMyAurora: ...

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Somehow.

PosionousDoctor went online

PosionousDoctor: You guys are lucky he is so sweet and cute.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: How didn't you kill him?

PosionousDoctor: How can I kill the son of a good old dead friend which is also a cute green bean? Just be happy I will forgive you this once.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: You also tried to kill me even though I AM a good old friend..

PosionousDoctor: Well you not the child of a dead friend.

Don'tTouchMyAurora: So the SON of a dead friend gets a pass but not the dead friend?

PosionousDoctor: Yes and I am talking about his biological mother. I owe it to her to keep an eye on him,

Don'tTouchMyAurora: Oh ok.

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