Epilogue - Part 1

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"Cami?  You've got a visitor."


Mori moved out of the doorway of her front living area and stepped aside so that I could be confronted with the reality of what my hiding away had done. 

I hadn't seen Parker Hartingrove in two weeks.  

Hands in his pockets, he turned to face me and I was hit with it all at once—the memories, the moments, everything. 

The shock of it all. 

Seeing his face, his eyes opened and filled with such a precious life that I had to look away. 

It was torture seeing that on his face and knowing that his life had almost gone out completely. 

"What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?  Cami, are you serious?"

Mori cleared her throat and I stepped outside onto the front porch of her grandparents small home that I'd been staying in for the past two weeks. 

I hadn't even had to go to school after the trauma of it all—Mori had been able to bring me all of my schoolwork and, of course, I'd gone above and beyond to finish it all ahead of time. 

Nothing like a failed attempt on your life and the boy you loved almost dying to force you to want to dissociate by doing schoolwork. 

Now, staring at the brother of said boy, however...I was starting to regret my decision for the radio silence. 

"What the hell do you think I'm doing here?  He's...he can talk, Cami.  He finally has what he's been punishing himself over since his attempt.  He's finally got what he was too scared to admit that he wanted, and he's miserable.  Do you know why he's miserable?  I'll give you one guess."

"Stop it, Parker."

His eyes were blazing with a fury I hadn't seen in them before. 

His clothes were snug on his frame, filled out and healthy and glowing—Parker was absolutely glowing. 

I could only imagine the shell of a person looking back at him. 

"Why should I stop?  I understand what's all happened, but pushing him away—pushing us all away?  That's not helping.  I can promise you that."

"How you do know that?  I met you at your game and you pretended you never even met me, so why should I think that you'd ever even cared about me to begin with?  Is this all about Grey, or are your feelings just hurt because I'm ignoring you?"

The confusion on Parker's face gave way to irritation. 

"What are you talking about?  We met on the bus on the way to the senior field trip to the museum."

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