Chapter Twenty Two

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~Amelie's POV~

Winter never left my side, unless I needed the bathroom. He would then wait patiently outside the room for the duration.

It was March.

We had been on the run for months, been cooped up in the Tower for almost as long.

Last week we had ventured outside on a walk, and he had acted a little strange the entire time. We walked in silence, spoke quietly when we did.

He was amazing, but he wasn't settling in here at all. I liked people, but the Avengers were overwhelming a little bit. Most of them were loud, and I did prefer to keep to our room or visit Mum in hers.

But how could I make him feel more comfortable? How could I prove to him that we could trust the people we were living with?

I watched him study the view out of the window. I wanted to go out today - food shopping - and I wanted him to come with me.

But first, I wanted to see if he could go to another room, trusting that I would be safe where I was.

I had loved going to the park, although I had a brief doubt that HYDRA were still following us. But they weren't! Winter convinced me of that.

"Winter?" I put my book down, and watched as he turned to look at me, his fixed, studious expression relaxing into a quick smile.

"Can you please go and ask Mum if she could lend me the brownie recipe? I thought we could make them this afternoon."

His eyes darkened a little, but he just glanced at the door. "Do you want to come with me?"

I stood up, and gestured to the bathroom door, "I thought I'd just fix my makeup, we might have to run to a food store."

His hand curled over the back of the chair, although his facial expression didn't change, "I'm happy to wait and we can see your Mum together."

"Oh it's fine! She's only in the hall above ours, you can ask JARVIS and he can help."

I brushed some fluff off my leggings as I stepped towards the bathroom, "please? The sooner we come back from the shops the quicker we can make brownies! They're rich and sweet, you'll like it with a coffee."

A drink that he definitely liked - strong, bitter black coffee.

I could see him pause, eyes flicking from the door back to me.

Then he rolled his shoulders and stiffly walked over to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, eyes meeting mine defiantly. "You are not to leave this room. If anyone comes to this door, stay in the bathroom and wait. If anyone gets in, shout for me. I will be quick."

I hesitated. Maybe this was cruel.

I quickly backtracked, "I can come with-"

"No," he said firmly, "I need to do this. Put your makeup on. I..." He trailed off, eyes lingering on my face, before straying away.

"Winter," his name was a whisper, but he had made his decision.

He skimmed his thumb gently across my cheek then stepped back, "I will be less than five minutes. I promise." I watched as he stepped out of the room, and softly shut the door.

I bounced on the balls of my feet, waiting a moment to see if he would come back, before stepping back into the bathroom. I did want to put some make up on - that wasn't a lie. I had some pretty big shadows under my eyes as my sleep was getting worse, and I wanted to touch up my mascara before we went outside.

I shuffled around the bathroom, putting a few bottles back in their homes, before waiting on the bed.

I sat on the edge, waiting.

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