Chapter Four

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~Winter's POV~

I sat in the small shack I'd made mine, and held the burner phone to my ear, listening to the unknowing members of HYDRA who were currently discussing my soulmates whereabouts.

"We have a post made by her colleague at the bar she works at. A group are celebrating the friends' birthday at a club-"

"It would be hard to get her by herself."

The first voice sighed, "She will be a drunk woman, it won't be hard to get her by herself. Simply show up, dance and get her the hell away. We'll meet at the..." he coughed subtly, "pre-arranged meeting point."

I narrowed my eyes, and glared out across the forest. The trees provided good shelter, but little comfort at a time like this.

"What about... him?" The second voice sounded almost nervous, but I focused my attention on the conversation. They were talking about me, after all.

"How would he know anything?" The first voice snapped back.

"Well nobody has found him yet have they? He disappeared, maybe he went after her?"

The first man sounded annoyed, "he doesn't know anything about her."


"Just go to the club. Get Amelie Parker, got it?"

There was a meek reply, before the men hung up. I snapped the phone in half, and tossed it in the bin with the growing pile of other burner phones I'd used.

Then I left.


I could hear her chatting happily to her Mum, discussing the outfit she'd dressed in, to wear on her evening out on the town. I stayed hidden where I was, waiting for her to be alone so I could convince her to not leave the house.

A third voice joined the conversation, and I recognised it as her cousin. My rising worries dissipated, as I'd momentarily thought the new voice was HYDRA already infiltrating her home.

She giggled at a joke the boy made, before gradually leaving the conversation. I heard her feet tracing the floor, gliding up to the door before the handle was pushed down. I hid until the door was securely shut behind her then stepped into view.

She jumped back, her arm hitting her desk, causing her to yelp in fright.

"Honey, are you okay?" Her mother's voice rung through the door.

I held a finger over my lips, as her glare directed at me hardened. "I'm fine Mum," she called over her shoulder, "just saw a spider."

"Oh," her Mum sounded as if she was pulling a face, "just put it out on the windowsill."

Amelie tilted her head to the side, and hissed. "Didn't you hear? Get out the window."

I ground my jaw, and shook my head. She looked angry, and stalked forward, shoving at my chest when she got close enough. The nervousness she usually displayed around me was long gone, now replaced by hurt and fury. "Do what you did last time," she muttered under her breath, "out the window. Just vanish."

I grabbed her wrist as she raised it to push me, and delicately ran my thumb over her hand, slowly shaking my head. "You're in danger." I whispered.

She yanked her hand back, "Yes. From you."

I frowned, "listen to me-"

She spun her head back to glare at me, her frosty gaze melting as her eyes watered. "No. You listen to me. I was fine until I met you, but I've been on edge ever since. You keep following me and I don't know why. Leave. Me. Alone."

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