Chapter Eight

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~Winters POV~

"Can we stop off somewhere?" Amelie squirmed in her seat. "I need a wee."

We'd been in the car for a few days, and it had been around six hours since our last stop. Amelie had dozed on and off but she was now wide awake and obviously uncomfortable.

"Check the map." I mumbled as I followed the back roads, avoiding cameras and CCTV of any kind.

She grumbled under her breath and twisted in her chair to collect the map from the seat behind her where she'd thrown it a couple of hours ago. "About fifteen miles?" She yawned after a moment of reading, "I think. You need to take a left here."

I signalled, and turned left as she pointed down a dirt track that led past some tumble down farm buildings.

She stayed quiet, her eyes drifting along the horizon as I stayed silent. I hadn't spoken a lot in the time we'd been stuck in a car together. She knew I didn't like to talk much anyway.

"I want to ring my Mum." She whispered.

I stared at her, and shook my head. "You said you'd be okay to not call them. We have to wait until we're out of the country."

She pouted, but from the way her bottom lip was wobbling I knew it wasn't meant playfully. I stared out of the front window, trying to ignore the gut wrenching feeling of guilt in my stomach.

"It's my birthday tomorrow." Her voice was a croak, scratching as her lips parted. "I just wanted to hear my Mum say happy birthday. Then I promise I won't ring them."

A tear slipped over her cheek, and I felt a lump rising in my own throat. I pushed the feeling down, but instead hesitantly offered her my hand. She squeezed it softly, and rested it in her lap as she trailed her fingers around mine.

"At the next stop ask to borrow someone's phone." I murmured. "We can't use yours."

"Really?" Her eyes sparkled with hope as she smiled up at me. The tears were still slipping over her cheeks, but she sniffed and wiped them away. "We won't get tracked?"

I shrugged. "It's a risk." I warned, "but we'll take it."

"Thank you." She looked as if she wanted to hug me, but her eyes dipped down instead, and she just squeezed my hand. "Thank you."

I turned into the small station to fill up the car at the same time, and Amelie almost slipped out of the car she was so excited for a phone. I felt my senses rocket, I was on high alert, "Amelie-"

She turned to frown at me, "Yeah?"

I shook my head, and she walked back to my side. The station was empty of other cars, except one on the far side of the pumps. She pouted, but this time she was playing. "There's no one here-"

"There was no one there last time."

She suddenly looked a little scared at the memory of where we picked the car up. I held her hand as we walked into the station, knowing she found safety in being beside me. "I'll get food." I whispered, "you call your Mum."

She nodded, and glanced around the shop to see a teenage girl stacking shelves behind the counter. She smiled brightly, and walked towards her, "hi, I'm sorry to bother you-"

I made sure to keep an ear on their conversation as I quickly marched up and down the aisles, and picked up a selection of long lasting snacks and canned goods that we'd be able to keep for a while.

I paid quickly, and scanned the building to see Amelie hanging up a mobile, with a warm smile on her face. She politely thanked the girl, and almost danced back to my side. "Thank you." She held my arm, and leant onto her toes to press her lips to my cheek.

Winter's Soulmate | Winter Soldier ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt