Chapter Twenty Five

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~Winter's POV~

She stared at me.

Those wide, shining eyes, burning deep into my soul.

This was the most vulnerable I have ever felt.

I tried to summon memories of before England. Before I woke up, not remembering her name, but knowing my soul was hers as soon as I saw her.

Maybe I told her.

Maybe I told her every day.

Regardless, I was telling her now. And I would tell her every day if she let me. If she didn't push me away.

The lift was small, the walls shrinking closer.

My breath caught in my throat as her lips parted, but no word, no sound.

I took a hesitant step back. I could feel my skin burning. My throat felt scratchy and sore.

I needed to get out.

I turned around, attempting to slam my hand on a button - any button - but a small hand on my back stopped me.

I froze, breath hitching.

"Winter-" her voice wavered, wobbling.

My heart felt like it was shattering.

The doors slid open, and Tony, Steve and Sam stepped on. I stared at them, trying to convey that they could not be wanted any less, but Tony only spared me a glance before nodding at Amelie and asking how she was.

At least Steve and Bruce had the decency to look a little sheepish at intruding.

"How was your first shift back?" Tony asked as he slid his phone out of his pocket.

"It was good! I'm upping my hours soon... I'll be able to-"

"No Amelie. I told Peter and May the same thing. I won't let you." He cut her off.

"But I'll have the money now-"


Amelie's cheeks turned pink under the glow of the artificial lights. I stepped in front of her, shielding her from Tony. She hadn't mentioned anything about giving Tony something - I assumed this was about money.

Tony levelled my stare, neither of us backing down until the doors slid open.

Amelie gripped my wrist and dragged me behind her, not stopping until she got halfway down the corridor.

I had no idea which floor we were on, I hadn't been here before.

Her hand dropped from my skin, leaving me cold. She slumped against the wall and slid down, resting her face on her knees.

I stood in front of her, waiting for her to say something. She told me first. She said it this morning. Why didn't she say it again?

Did she regret it?

If she never told me again, I still belonged to her. She was my world, even if I wasn't hers.

I walked to the end of the corridor, giving her some space, and peered through a window slotted into a door. There was an empty office, with only a desk, chair, and computer in it.

I walked in the other direction, finding a large glass window with a view overlooking the city.

"Will you stop pacing?"

I turned and looked as she lifted her head. She looked tired all of a sudden, as she rubbed at her eyes.

I sat down beside her, stretching my legs out.

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