Chapter 7 - It's all about trust

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Bartholomew's pov:

-"You called........ ?" Jordan said as he entered my office without knocking.
-"How many times have I told you that you should knock before you enter?" I scolded him.
-"I never knock!" he said arrogantly.
-"Oh really? Don't you think that you overestimate yourself a bit?"
-"I have a good reason..... Don't you think?" he said and looked at me knowingly. I gave him a disapproving look which didn't affect him at all.
-"Anyway, I called you here to inform me about the rogue prisoner you caught during my absence"
-"What prisoner?" he asked trying to look ignorant.
-"Don't play dumb with me.... I know everything about it!"
-"I don't know what you're talking about!" he said cooly.
-"Of course you do. Stop playing ignorant if you don't want to see me pissed off! Why did you set him free?" I asked him angrily.
-"I didn't do it. If you managed to find out about the rogue prisoner then you should have been informed that it was your daughter who set him free!"
-"You shouldn't have let her" I contradicted.
-"I didn't have a choice! Your daughter takes the role of Alpha very seriously. She thinks she will be the one who will take your place when you decide to retire. If she doesn't do it sooner...." Jordan said venomously.
-"What are you implying Jordan?" I asked him angrily. I know that he's got his eyes on my position but I hate that he picks on my daughter to achieve it".
-"Nothing Bartholomew.....absolutely nothing! Just mentioning the obvious" Jordan said sarcastically.
-"Which is?" I asked coldly. I was curious to see how far he would take it.....
-"Your daughter is undermining you in order to be the Alpha of the pack."
-"Ha ha ha! Don't make me laugh! What nonsense are you talking about? You must have lost completely your mind!"
-"It's your right to turn a blind eye..." he said raising his hands up in the air.
-"You are full of shit" I said angrily. I hate being advised on issues I didn't ask for any consult.
-"Ι wouldn't be surprised if we take into account your daughter's origin... " he continued boldly ignoring my annoyance.
-"Shut the fuck up or I will shut it for you!" I threatened.
-"You shouldn't treat a friend in that way. Especially when this friend knows so much about you....Don't you think?" Jordan said in a sarcastic way.
-"Do you dare to threaten me?" I asked him imposingly.
-"I am just mentioning the facts Bartholomew" Jordan answered complacently and continued "You seem to forget what I have done for you all those years!"
-"I never forget anything. On the contrary you constantly seem to forget your place and what I am capable of!" I contradicted.
-"Bartholomew you are wrong. Your only enemy here is your daughter! You have to eliminate her before it is too late!" Jordan warned.
When I heard his threats I couldn't restrain my anger anymore. I approached him menacingly and grabbed him by the throat and started strangling him.
-"Never dare to threaten my daughter again!" I told him with clenched teeth while I strangled him with all my might.
-"!" he managed to say while he was choking.
-"You are wrong if you think that you will go against my daughter and you will go unpunished" I warned him and slowly released him.
-"Ok ......ok I........ get!" he managed to say while he tried to catch his breath. The he started stroking his neck.
-"I hope so....for your own good sake!" I said and set him free. He cleared his throat and headed for the door. When he got there, he turned around and after he gave me an angry look he said:
-"You know you are making a mistake. I hope it won't be too late when you realize it!" Then he opened the door and left my office. This man never accepted Elektra as my daughter and legal heir. I do not know if it is due to her mother's origin or because he wants to usurp my position. Whatever the reason, Electra is my only legal child and I am not going to abandon her no matter what!

Jordan's pov:

I can not understand this man. He has at least ten other children and prefers the daughter of this abomination! How can he be so naive? Doesn't he realize that this woman is dangerous to him? I will not let him make her our Alpha even if it means I have to lose my life to prevent it. He can't imagine what I am capable of but he is gonna find out soon, very soon...
-"Father where were you? I 've been looking for you all over...." David asked interrupting my thoughts.
-"What do you want David?" I asked him angrily. I wasn't in a mood for any of his nonsense.
-"Father the annual gathering is approaching and I would like to attend"
-"You know that we never take part in such occasions. Our Alpha forbids it" I scolded him.
-"But father this is my only chance to find my mate."
-"Are you completely an idiot? Elektra is your mate!" I yelled at him. This boy is driving me crazy.
-"Elektra is not my mate! She doesn't want me and neither do I"
-"Shut it you idiot!" I told him and checked around for nosy people. 
-"I will go no matter what you or the Alpha says.." said David determinedly and turned around to leave. I grabbed him by the arm while he was trying to free himself from my grip.
-"Don't you dare do anything stupid! You hear me? David, I'm talking to you! " I shouted at him while he was walking away ignoring me at all!
This kid always manages to make me mad! I can not stand him anymore! Oh my Goddess why did you have to send me this child?

David's pov:

-"Elektra, Elektra...wait!" I shouted at her.
-"What do you want David?" Elektra asked me angrily.
-"You know the annual gathering is in one week!" I informed her.
-"You stopped me only to tell me that? Really now?" she asked incredulously.
-"Listen, there are many single wolves of our pack that want to go to this gathering. You know it's the only chance for a wolf to find his/her mate!"
-"I know, David, I know.....but I also know that our pack never attend to such kind of gatherings. My father isn't very fond of it!"
-"This has to change! You have to do something!" I told her determined.
-"Like what?" she asked me boringly.
-"Talk to your father. Explain to him that most of the members of our pack have not found their mates yet because of this unreasonable prohibition. Our purpose is to find our mate and perpetuate our species" David reasoned.
-"Oh......Ι didn't expect that from you!"
-"Why are you surprised? I am concerned about my future and I am determined to go"
 - "The Beta's son is defying the Alpha.....That's new!"
-"I don't need your irony! I want to inform you that me and some other pack members decided to go! I hope you won't rat us out"
-"You know I would never do such a thing! In fact I will go too!" she reassured me.
-"You are kidding me!" I exclaimed in disbelief!
-"I am not and I will prove it to you!" she told me determined made me a wink and left!

Εlektra's pov:

-"You shouldn't trust David. He is Jordan's son and this should be more than enough for you!" Roxanne scolded me.
-"Roxanne I know... But on this matter he has a point! Do you know how many pack members are mateless due to my father's absurdity?"
-"There is nothing you can do about it right now! You have to wait until you become the Alpha of this pack. Going to the annual gathering is a clear violation of your father's orders. With this action the only thing you will manage is to anger your father. I can not imagine what the consequences will be!" Roxanne said scared.
-"Do not worry so much Roxanne! The issue is so trivial that father will not even pay attention to it!"
-"Please, child, listen to me. Your father does not want his pack to get involved with others! That is why he has been taking such an aggressive stance towards all the other packs all these years!"
-"This has to change! Do you realize that we are the only pack which is completely isolated? Do you know how many members are mateless? And this number is constantly rising! That alone should make my father worry!"
-"This is none of your business yet! Α direct conflict with your father won't benefit you at this moment. You know who will only benefit from it.........!" Roxanne reasoned.
-"I understand your hesitation but I feel it. Something inside me assures me that this time David is telling me the truth. I believe him."
-"You shouldn't" Roxanne commented anxiously.
-"Please Roxanne don't be so negative. I can understand your fears but I am sure about it this time! Trust me!"
-"Unfortunately, I can't do otherwise!" she said defeated and exited my room.

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