Chapter 32 - The note

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Elektra's pov:

The news of my father's escape spread like an atomic bomb through the werewolf community. Panic ensued along with worry and fear. Everyone knew or at least suspected what my father was going to do now that he was out of jail.

Knowing father I was sure that he would take revenge on his prosecutors who unjustly imprisoned him. I can't say I agree with that, but it's not my place to judge. I don't know what I would do if I put myself in his shoes. I really hope he lets it all go and decides to spend the rest of his life in peace. When the prison break was announced, Council's guards and warriors arrived and camped here waiting for my father to come and capture him. Our pack was also filled with weapons, rules and many prohibitions. My pack members were already annoyed by the way the Council and the other packs had acted against us so far, so when all these people came here making our lives unbearable, many pack members complained about it. I tried to calm them down to no avail. They demanded respect and privacy which unfortunately I was unable to give them at least for now. I was also annoyed by the way the Council and the other packs treated us.

The Council guards remained with our pack for more than a week. When they realized that father was not going to return, they suddenly left. But something in me tells me that they are still watching us from afar. Unfortunately father, probably sure that I was being watched never tried to communicate with me in fear of risking revealing his hide.

Even though I knew father was a very strong man with great abilities, I couldn't stop worrying about him. What if he had been hurt? I heard he escaped with two other wolves who are notorious for their deeds. What if they harmed him?

Apart from being afraid that something might happen to my father, I also fear for Alexander's life. Everyone knows that Alexander's team in cooperation with the Council managed to bring my father and Alpha Richard to justice that night in the forest. I'm afraid father might want to take revenge on him for this.

Although I know Alexander gave false clues about my father's involvement in these illegal activities, I still care about him. I don't want anything bad to happen to him.

I won't be able to take it... my heart will be completely devastated.

-"You must warn him!" Frostie commented in my head

-"There is no need for such a thing. He is probably aware of the situation and will have taken his measures." I objected.

-"You don't know this for sure... I suggest calling and informing him as soon as possible" Frostie said.

-"Do not insist on that! I am not gonna do it! End of story!" I told her irritated.

-"You are so stubborn!" Frostie said disappointingly and disappeared in the back of my head.

A knock on the door was heard. It was David who since I became the Alpha of the Black Shadow Pack, is my Beta. Jordan wasn't thrilled to give up his position to his son but he couldn't do otherwise. New Alpha, new rules, new high ranking members!

David and I are quite a team! We understand each other and we manage to communicate only with one look!

-"Hey Alpha" he said in a cool way.

-"Hello David. What brings you here at this time of the day? Shouldn't you be training with the warriors?" I asked raising my right eyebrow.

-"I know but what I came to tell you is more important than the warrior's training"

-"What's going on?" I wondered.

-"Our guards found traces in our northern borders".

-"What kind of traces?"

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