Chapter 27 - Council's Visit

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Bartholomews' pov:

In seconds the place was filled with Council's high ranked wolves and lots of guards. 
-"You are surrounded. Raise your hands and surrender. Don't do anything stupid" came a deep male voice from afar.
We raised our hands and waited in place when tall and well-built men approached us. They had their faces covered and were armed with high-tech weapons. I have seen these weapons at a military exhibition three months ago. The Council must have procured them. I didn't expect this from them. Lately the Council is more than active and doesn't function as a consulting organization anymore. 
-"There has been a misunderstanding. We are innocent" Richard protested.
-"Shut the hell up" ordered one of the guards and pushed him into the van. Then he pushed me in too. We got in and the door closed behind us. I signaled Richard to stop talking. We couldn't risk being overheard. I had to call Elektra immediately to send me my lawyers. The best thing so far was that they did everything according to the law and that gives me the edge. With my lawyers I will find a way to skip jail.

Elektra's pov:

-"Where is father? I checked his office, his room, the entire pack with no result! Where did he go?" I asked Jordan.
-"I really don't know. He was talking with Richard on the phone all day yesterday. Maybe he went to visit Silver Moon Pack."
-"What for? The agreement between our packs is already confirmed" I wondered.
-"I really don't know Elektra" Jordan said irritated and left. It was obvious that he was upset that my father had left him out of his plans this time. Jordan was always his confidant and it was really weird that father had pushed him away lately.
It was noon and I was still working on some matters in my office when one of the guards informed me that a Council member was outside and wanted to see me.

- "Did he tell you the reason of his visit?"
-"No, ma'am. He said he will speak only to you".
-"Then pass him in!" I ordered.
-"Yes ma'am!"

After a few minutes a tall and very serious man came inside. He wore a grey suit and his hair was black and parted at the right. His eyes were pitch black and his gaze was cold and distant. He offered his hand for a handshake which was reciprocated by me.

-"Good morning Miss. Are you Elektra, daughter of Alpha Bartholomew?" he asked.
-"Yes, I am and  you are?"
-"I am Tom Jefferson, one of the Council's military agents."
-"Nice to meet you sir. Please sit down. Would you like something to drink?"
-"A cup of coffee would be nice, thank you!" he said in a serious tone, unbuttoned his jacket and sat on one of the armchairs that were in front of my desk.
-"May I know the reason for your visit?" I asked.
-"Yesterday night, two alphas were caught in the forest during their illegal transactions."
-"And what does that have to do with me?" I wondered in an incredulous way.
-"Your father was one of those arrested" he said coldly.
-"What did you say? My father? No, it can't be!"
-"Your father and Alpha Richard of the Silver Moon pack were arrested yesterday. They were caught during their illegal transactions"
-"No, it can't be. You are clearly making a mistake. My father would never do such a thing! There must have been some sort of misunderstanding" I reacted strongly.
-"Your father was transferring one tone of heroin and we caught him during the transaction with his buyers. What part of it is misunderstood?" he said in a sarcastic way.
-"I don't believe my father is involved in something like this!"
-"Ma'am your father is a criminal: a trafficker, a smuggler and a drug dealer. The evidence is unshakable"
-"How dare you?" I said feeling offended and abruptly stood up.
-"Please miss calm down and sit. There is no reason to revolt!" he said as he stood up too. We looked at each other for a couple of minutes and then sat down to our chairs again.
-"If you caught him in the act like you said why are you here? You could give me a phone call and inform me about it" I commented.
-"Miss, things are very serious. Your whole pack is being accused of many crimes and misdemeanors"
-"That's preposterous! Even if my father is who you claim to be what do we have to do with this?"
-"Many of his gang are members of your pack!"
-"Didn't you catch them yesterday?" I asked.
-"No, that's why I am here I have a list of names and I want you to let me make the necessary interrogations"
-"Give me the list" I told him sternly.
-"Here you are" he said and offered it to me. I got it and read it thoroughly. There were many names on that list. I was amazed how many people participated in these illegal actions and I didn't have the slightest idea....

-"What a nice Alpha I would be...Oh my goddess!" I commented making fun of me.

What this man said left me absolutely numb. I couldn't believe in my ears and eyes. My father, member of a criminal organization? My fellow pack members criminals? I just couldn't believe it! The whole matter was hard to process and cope with!

The man cleared his throat managing make me give him my full attention.

-"Ma'am I would like you to take care of my accommodation here. I will stay in your pack until the interrogations end."

-"Yes, of course. One of my omegas will accompany you to your room. If that is all...." I said it in such a way so I could make clear my need to be alone.

-"I will also need an office" the man continued seeming unaffected by my manner.

-"That's easy; you can take mine from now on...anything else?"

-"No, not right now. Now I would like to retire"

-"By all means..." I said and stood up giving him my hand for a handshake which he ignored and headed for the door. It was more than obvious that he was prejudiced about me and wasn't willing to hide it. He treated me disparagingly. Maybe he thought that I was aware of my father's activities.

The next few days were very frustrating and tiring for all of us. More Council members joined us. The interrogations lasted until late at night while I tried to find a good lawyer for my father, run the pack and also deal with the interrogations. One thing I didn't like about it was that whoever was found guilty was taken away from our pack. It was obvious they didn't trust us at all, not even to imprison our criminals. The situation was tense and many pack members were agitated with the way the Council members were treating us. But what could we do? Our Alpha proved to be one of the worst criminals in North America!

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