Chapter 28 - Never give up

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Alexander's pov:

I was in my office with Steve looking at the last details of our plan when the phone rang. It was John the Council's Military Counselor. After we spoke for a few minutes he hand up. Steve who all this time didn't lose eye contact with me gave me a questioning look. I took a deep breath and started explaining to him.

-"John called and told me that Bartholomew is in a very difficult situation. He faces very serious charges" Ι told Steve.

-" At last! We finally managed to catch him and his gang and put them behind bars" Steve commented satisfied.

-"Don't rush to celebrate! Nothing is over yet! You know that Bartholomew won't sit tight!" I contradicted.

-"What do you mean? He can't get away this time! The Council won't spare him"

-"Ι am not talking about the Council"

-"Then what? He is in prison, what more he could do?" Steve said confidently.

-"Ι don't know. I have a weird feeling that Bartholomew would do something risky"

-"Why do you say that?"

-"Because I know him. He won't allow himself to be sentenced to death just like that. He will find a way to get away with it"

-"What are you saying? That he will try to escape?"

-"Exactly. I shared my worries with John but he believes that I am overreacting"

-"I think my brother is right this time. No one can escape from the Council's prison. It's impossible!" Steve said.

-"Nothing is impossible my friend, especially for a man like Bartholomew. Never underestimate this man!"

Bartholomews' pov:

I was in the visiting room with my lawyer, Mr. Johnson. One guard was inside standing at the door while another two were outside the door guarding the room. I must admit security is very high and unbreakable in this prison. My lawyer was here to explain to me the situation as also the alternatives I had.

-"What do you mean you can't do anything about it? Why am I paying you so much money?"

-"Bartholomew you have to understand the incriminating evidence is incontrovertible. You can no longer deny your guilt!" the lawyer explained.

-"I don't care" I shouted out.

-"Bartholomew calm down. If you admit your guilt, you will receive more favorable treatment that will certainly reduce your sentence"

-"Are you nuts? What do you suggest?"

-"Do you think that you have other alternative?" the lawyer scolded me.

-"Ι always have other alternatives" I said smugly and stood up heading for the prison door. I gave him a derogatory look and knocked the door. Two guards showed up and walked me back to my cell. I lay down on my bed and started working on my plan. I can't trust myself in this lawyer. He is totally incompetent! In fact I can't trust anyone anymore!

Two days have passed with me continuing denying any involvement in the illegal transaction I've been accused of. I heard that Richard has already made a deal with the Council members and I was sure that whatever told them didn't favorite me at all. But at this point I really don't care. I had already a plan how to escape from all this. All I had to do is have patience and wait for the right moment to come.....

Elektra's pov:

-"What do you mean he denied any help?" I asked worried Mr. Johnson, our lawyer.

-"I'm really sorry Miss River but your father has lost completely his mind. He refuses to admit his guilt in order to reduce his sentence. He already speaks about having a second plan and other crazy things. I can't do anything more for him...I am sorry..." the lawyer said defeated.

-"It's ok Mr. Johnson. I understand! Thank you for everything you have done for my father so far.... I will take over from here.. But stay alert cause I may need you again!"

-"As you wish Miss River. Don't hesitate to ask for my help whenever you need it" he told me as he stood up.

-"Thank you again" I said squeezing his hand tightly.

When the lawyer left my office I decided to speak to my father. As I knew that he wouldn't accept to speak to me on the phone I decided to visit him in jail. I made all the necessary arrangements and took the road to the Council's prison.

After they made me underwent a thorough physical examination, I was finally let inside. The prison was well guarded and the security was impenetrable. Ι got in the waiting room and waited for my father to arrive. After ten minutes my father finally arrived. He was dressed in an orange jumpsuit and had a long beard, but he didn't look tired or worn at all. In addition to his physical well-being, his soul was also vigorous. He looked calm and relaxed as if nothing bad happened to him. Was Mr. Johnson right? Has my father finally lost his mind? I really hope not....

-"Father" I exclaimed and went towards him. The guards stopped me in my spot warning me that any kind of physical contact with the prisoners is prohibited. I returned to my seat disappointed while my father approached the table and sat opposite to me.

-"Why are you here?" he said coldly.

-"You don't return any of my calls and I have something very important to tell you"

-"You shouldn't be here. I don't want you to come down here again" he said in a strict way.

-"Father why did you reject your lawyer's help and advice?" I asked him ignoring his remark.

-"Because the lawyer is a completely idiot" he said arrogantly.

-"Father do you understand how difficult the situation you are in is? Alpha Richard put the blame on you for everything. He presented you as the only brain behind all this. He said he was forced and threatened by you. If you continue denying all this you will be sentenced to death!" Ι told him in tears.Even if everyone thought he was a criminal, to me he was my father and I wanted the best for him.

-"Daughter you should focus on your responsibilities as the new Alpha of our pack and not trouble yourself with such trivial matters" he said indifferently.

-"Trivial matters? Father do you hear yourself? Do you understand that you are in a very dangerous situation?" I asked him irritated.

-"I said this thing is none of your business! Stop coming here, stop calling me, and stop messing with me. You hear?" he said angrily.

-"But..but....." I tried to say but he didn't let me. He got up after giving me an angry look and knocked on the door. A guard came and took him away. He left without giving me a second glance. His words made me worry. "Why does he behave so carelessly?" I wondered while

Frostie stirred in my head and said:

-"I don't think he's being careless. He's up to something. I can feel it. His wolf is surprisingly quiet but I can feel his power. It is like he is preparing himself for something!"

-"Don't say nonsense. Prepare for what? His death sentence?"

-"He doesn't think that he's going to be sentenced to death."

-"Why not? All the evidence is against him. He's facing some serious charges here" I contradicted.

-"I don't see him being particularly concerned about that" Frostie commented.

-"Oh Frostie. Why do you always manage to confuse me?" I told her while I was exiting the prison with one thought in my mind: "I wouldn't leave my father rot in a cell or die in prison"

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