Chapter 12

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It has been two days since I left Luca's. I felt like it was time to finally clear the air. That and he won't stop calling me. Leah took off to play with Kate when we arrived at Luca's. Once I made it to his office, I didn't think to even knock, I just walked right in. My heart stopped, I couldn't feel my legs, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. Antonio. My whole body was in shock. "Milana?" Antonio whispered, staring at me in shock. He looked genuinely confused at my presence. He squinted his eyes as if he were seeing a ghost. I guess I was a ghost to a lot of people here. "Antonio?" I could barely speak. With his mouth half cracked open in shock, his eyes snapped towards Luca, who was still looking at me. Antonio licked his lips, straightened himself back up, and rushed towards me, with the evilest smile on his face. Don't run Lana. Be still. Luca is here, nothing will happen. I told myself as Antonio got closer. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly to him. "Big mistake." Antonio whispered into my ear. I said nothing in response. "Oh, I forgot to mention Lana is back." Luca chuckled a little. "It's so good to see you, Lana!" Antonio announced as he pulled away from me. "Antonio is here on business, we should all have dinner tonight." Luca suggested happily. Before I could object, the doors swung open again. "Momma!" Leah ran in. Antonio's eyes widened in disbelief. I knew what he was thinking. She's supposed to be dead. "Hey, baby!" I scooped her up into my arms. Strangely she was heavier than yesterday and she looked a bit taller. "Antonio, this is our daughter, Leah." Luca announced. Antonio leaned in towards her. As he did, my grip on her tightened, and Luca noticed it immediately. His brows furrowed and he looked at me in confusion. I quickly tried to correct my mistake, by loosening my grip and putting a fake smile on. "Hi Leah, I'm Antonio, but you can call me uncle Toni." Leah shut down and buried her face into my chest. She must've felt how awful he was because Leah never shuts down like that. "Well I have to get going, but it was wonderful to see you again Lana, I hope to see you tonight." Antonio left the room quietly. It's hard to think that just a few short years ago, that man had almost taken my life from me, along with Leah's. The reason I lost my family and my friends was all because of him. Now we're all back where it all started, only this time, I know who I'm dealing with. "Why's Antonio here?" I asked Luca, as soon as he was gone. Leah ran over and hopped into his lap. "Business, his father passed away last year, so he's taken his father's place over in Italy. He and Alexa are actually close, because of their families, that's how I met her." I rolled my eyes at the mention of her name. "Hey, I was thinking, instead of that dinner thing tonight, why don't we go out, just the three of us?" I hoped he would fold at the mention of alone time for the three of us. "I think we should do that another night. After we talk tonight, we really should talk about the other day."

"That's what I came for. We can do this dinner thing another night."

"Some of the things we have to discuss aren't for young ears." Luca motioned to Leah with his eyes. He surprises me at how well he's adjusted to being a father. "We can talk about it tonight after dinner. Until then, let's agree to forget the other night and get along at dinner. I'd rather Antonio not know we are, well, not together." Luca gave a half-smile. That was the best idea yet. It gives me some form of protection. "I just think, he's always had the hots for you."

"You read my mind." I chuckled a little.

"You can hang around here until dinner if you want, mom has something you can wear and you can freshen up in my room if you want."

"Thank you." He just slightly grinned, nodding in my direction. It was so hard to read him. You could never tell what was on his mind or how he felt unless he told you. "Oh, do you know where I can find Carla?" I remembered I needed to find her. "Possibly in mom's den." Luca made a weird face. Kate had a small den to herself, she always called it her momma cave. I turned and headed to find it again. I entered the wide and bright den, to find all of the girls sitting and talking together. I was happy to see Alexa wasn't included. "Hey sugar, come on in!" Kate shouted with a warm smile. I walked over and sat by Carla. "Hey." Carla smiled, tossing an arm over my shoulder. "This feels like old times, having my girls back in one room." Kate smiled at both of us. "Except Delilah, she's new." Carla chuckled looking over at Delilah, who was reading a book. "Don't worry Delilah, I love you all the same." Delilah surprised me by smiling at Kate with the warmest smile. I hadn't seen Delilah truly smile, until now. Her eyes were even filled with love. I guess she loved Kate too. Kate has a very loving way about her, almost everyone who meets her can't help but love her. Somehow the room was very bright. Not in a light kind of way, but at heart, somehow I felt relaxed and at peace here. Maybe it's a sign that this is where I'm meant to be. 

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