•What coach says goes •

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"That looks real bad dude." Kayce's hand moves away from my face. She was looking over the bruise that had formed from the corner of my mouth to the top of my cheekbone. I had also showered her the inside of my cheek.

After I got myself under control last night I found out I busted the inside of my cheek open and that's what was bleeding. I didn't go to the hospital for stitches or anything. I just sat in my car with a tissue pressed into the inside of my mouth until it wasn't bleeding as bad anymore. I still get a couple of drops of blood on my tongue every once in a while.

"You should really go get that checked out. You don't want an infection or anything." She moves her backpack to behind her and leans back until she is laying down on the grass. "An infection in your mouth would be nasty." She shakes her head and then looks to her right as a girl coming our way.

She sets down a tray in front of Kayce then sits down with her own in front of her. Before sitting all the way down, Jewel makes sure to tuck her plaid skirt under herself so she doesn't sit directly on the grass.

"Thank you." Kayce leans forward as she snatched the chip bag on Jewels tray. Kayce rips the bag open as she receives a death glare from the girl she just stole chips from. I subconsciously scoot back a little not wanting to be in the way of that.

We sit there and just enjoy our food a little until Jewel stirs up another conversation that I rather not talk about. "Have you seen Daisy's story? She seems to be quoting some depressing shit." Jewel pops a raspberry into her mouth as I look up at her.

I had seen it. Her stories since a few days ago have been very sad and depressing sounding, the quotes always went back to loosing someone they love and stuff like that. I nod and sigh. "Yeah.. I've seen it."

Jewel leans forward slightly, "So..." she pushes. "What's going on with you two? Every time I see you two at lunch, your all over each other."

I nod once again and just shake my head. "I don't know what is wrong with her honestly.." I've texted her multiple times to ask but she never responded.

"Did you do anything to make her upset?" Jewel runs her pointer finger over her silicon phone case.

"No I haven't done anything! Thats whats so infuriating about this whole thing. She won't tell me whats wrong and I have no idea what I did." I roughly pull off my hood and rustle my hair around.

"I think its because of Harleyyyy." Reece singsongs as he walks over followed by Dalton, Gabe, and Nolan.

"Harley?" Jewel lifts her eyebrows and looks right at me. "Who's that?" She smirks a little and leans forward waiting for my answer.

"It's this guy. He's new to the team and he's deaf." The four guys sit down all on the grass. "I know the most ASL on the whole team and so we talk a lot." I shrug "It's really wasn't that big of a deal."

"Well it can't be that simple." Jewel tucks a piece of her black hair behind her ear and sighs. "Have you like.. I don't know.. been acting any type of way that may make it seem like your more then friends?Something to make her think your into him?"

It was a innocent and serious question that shouldn't have made me think so hard. It did though. My mind immediately went to me hugging him: his shaky fingers against my back and the way the street lamp hit his hair that night, making it look bright and orange. I swallow and shake my head rather aggressively.

"N-No there is nothing. Nothing at all." "What am I thinking?!"

- - -

"I can't find the fucking check in desk! Why is this rink so damn confusing?" Dalton and I are standing right in the middle of the lobby. The floor is covered in light gray rubber that runs in all corner of the room. There was some lockers and benches sent in the very middle of the room, waiting to be used by visitors. On the far right wall was a ice skate check out but neither of us needed that. We needed to get to the locker room in the back. It isn't that easy though, Coach told us to check in with at the front desk but, there seems to the a problem. There was no 'front desk.'

"I don't know dude.." I look around the brightly lite room, equally as confused as him, with my hands in my pockets.

"Oh ummm... hey." A voice questions and we both turn to a girl with a tight bun, dressed in a sparkling deep purple figure skating costume. The designs went all the way up her neck and along her arms, the beads and crystals meet perfectly into a light skirt. I recognized her right away. It was Riley and she seemed to have a guy standing behind her. He was in very simple black slacks and dress shirt, no doubt stretchy since I also noticed he was a figure skater. This male was no other then Toni, Daisy's brother.

It seemed like Toni knew exactly who I was since he was giving me a burning death stare. Well... I guess he's heard about the problems between me and Daisy recently.

"Hey?" Dalton responded almost sounding like he was mocking Riley with the confusion that filled the one word. I guess he doesn't remember her from the time we went over to Harleys.

"Yeah. Hi. You guys look lost." She laughs and tilts her head to the side, jutting her left hip out with a smirk. "Im practically a vet to this rink. Need help finding anything?"

Ohhhh we did, but the tone she used to ask us made me want to just stick my chin up and stock right past her to get even more lost, and confidently so.

Dalton ended up answering for us once his shoulders relaxed. "Oh thank god yes. We can't find anywhere to check in." He motions to the room that was other wise empty between the four of us.

Riley ends up looking around then laughs. "Yeah she's never out. You guys can just head back." She points with a finger of a hand that was holding a half empty water bottle. I guess she saw the look that Toni was still sending me because she stops mid point and looks right back at him. "What's up?"

Toni looks down at her then shakes his head and looks back at me. "Who are they?"

Acting dumb I see.

"Oh they are apart of my brothers new team. I guess the rink was shut down at school and so they have to come here now." Toni face cringes after she finishes and then Riley looks back at me and sighs. "Takes up some of our practice time but what can we do about it. What coach," she makes sure to really enunciate ever letter in that word like it had a hidden meaning "says goes."

The two walk off obviously done with this conversation and so me and Dalton walk to the glass automatic doors and head down the long hallway on our way to find the locker room.

As we make our way down, the look Toni was giving me still swims in the fore front of my mind. That look was searingly angry. I can't help but wonder what exactly he was told that I did or why Daisy is mad at me to cause a reaction like that. I mean... I didn't do anything. I've never done anything to Daisy.

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