•2 days•

12 0 0

I haven't opening my blinds in 2 days. The sunlight tries so hard to get through my black out curtains but it's never able to succeed, I haven't let it. Laying back on my bed, staring up at my ceiling and letting the past few days turn over in my brain has made every limb of my body seem way too heavy to move. I mean I don't really want to move even though my stomach groans in protest, not having ate anything but half a bag of stale chips I stashed away from the last time my team came over.

I've heard muffled shuffling the night after winter formal hopping that it was my dad but I haven't heard it since, sleeping for most of the day and crying for most of the night. It just seemed like everything had fallen apart, that I had lost everything I've had suddenly. If I really think about it though it's hasn't been suddenly, it's been a few months and maybe more with the way Daisy made her situation sound.

Next to my head my phone continued to ring and buzz interchangeably. I haven't checked it yet, knowing it will just be me falsely responding with "I'm fine" from any slightly concerned texts.

This is the first day though that my eyes burn, not able to excrete anymore tears, my body sprung ready to exert more energy to even be able to nap for 30 minutes. I had no more down time want left in me, I've been pretty active up to this point anyways. I was officially restless.

That night Daisy had looked at the guy with nearly glittering eyes, the image pulls it's self full force into my head. The act of her turning to me with the most hated look I've ever seen, then her throwing my hand away just to storm off.

The scariest thing was that my heart didn't even hurt from the whole thing, it was my brain that hurt from the thought of being alone and not having her in my life. She's not only been my girlfriend for 3 years but, also my best friend for 7 years. She knew stuff about me that no one else did and vice versa. I thought of not being able to relive the built up rage, depression, or anxiety and it just makes my head spin even more.

My headache worsens suddenly as my phone rings, blaring right into my ear canal. I groan and grip my hair making the mess on my head even worst. My thoughts spin and suffer from the sudden pierce in my chaotic silence and I had finally had a enough. Roughly snatching my phone off my bed I sit up to pick up the phone.

"What the fuck do you want?" I nearly yell into the reviver through gritted teeth.

There was a silence on the other end then a low chuckle. "Get your ass outside Monroe." I hear the smirk on Nolan's mouth making me widen my eyes slightly. I hadn't hear anyone's voice in a while and it made my chest squeeze in an uncomfortable way, more then I would like to admit.

In the end I don't respond and hang up, throwing my phone away from me, hearing it land heavily on my carpeted floor.

I didn't want to go out. I didn't want to see anyone from the huge waves of embarrassment that keeps washing over me after remembering my little tantrum at Winter Formal. It was extremely childish of me the way I snapped at Dalton when he tried to comfort me and punched Nolan as he tried to calm me down. And my reaction right now to hearing Nolan's voice again is not any better then my past behavior. What has seriously come over me?

There is thundering bangs coming from outside my door, I freeze thinking I had finally gone insane but in the end my bedroom door is pushed open. "Okay now." Dalton stands there, hand on the nob and the other on the doorway leaning inside. "We are not having any of this."

Dalton's shoulder gets shoved away from the door way and he curses at Reece as he rushes inside, making a bee line for me. All I have time to do is widen my eyes and scramble back on my bed before a big hockey guy throws himself at me.

He has more muscle mass then me making my struggle worth while but since I was already emotionally and physically weak I couldn't really put up a good fight. Making me easily get pinned in an arm lock on the floor, my back to Reeces stomach and his legs wrapped around me, keeping my legs from flailing.

"Oh-Okay." I wheeze and tap out on Reece's elbow three times, making him finally let go of my neck but just loosen his efforts around my waist. "How did you guys even get in here?!" I gasp, out of breathe from wrestling with Reece.

"We have our ways buddy." Gabe puts a finger to his lips in a shushing manner and bends down to me. "We have to take extreme measures when you haven't responded to anyone in 2 days."

I shake my head from an approaching headache and look around the room at the 3 guys that had just burst their way into my room. "But.. why?"

Next thing I know I'm getting dragged out of my house no matter how many walls I claw at on the way out or how much I yell about the fact that I'm just in PJ pants, making me shirtless. Winter was in full swing so the driveway was ice cold and damp from the evening rain. This is where I actually stood up and excepted my fate, not quietly that's for sure. I won't be surprised if my upstairs neighbor calls the cops to report a kidnapping.

Gabe opens the back door to Nolan's car and shoves me inside. "Jesus fuck." I curse and grab my head that he inconsiderately smashed into the door frame.

"Welcome back to the real world." Nolan states, and starts his car as Gabe also pushes himself into the back seat. I look up through watery eyes and see him look back at me with a dirty smirk. But what surprises me more is who is in his passages seat, Harley.

My eyes turn to saucers and my hand drops from my head. As soon as I make eye contact with him in the rear view mirror he adverts his eyes and makes an effort to be interested in the frosty grass outside.

"Throw this on." Nolan grabs something from Harleys lap and throws it back at me, making me eat the fabric that turned out to be Nolan's graduation year hoodie.

I look down at it in my lap and just sigh realizing that I had left my phone in the apartment and no where in hell will they be turning around to get it. "Where are we even going?" I ask feeling defeated.

"Your favorite." Gabe nudges me smiling. Obviously it's not my favorite. "City walk."

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