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im finally back 😭

chapter 50 ⁉️

jus saying that the god Dionysus was said to be born in thrace 👀


"Alright. Make sure to continue hiding in plain sight." You pat Aster's head, packing up the several reports she'd written and neatly folding them before stuffing them in your pocket.

"Of course, My Lady. I will continue to work hard." She smiles, waving goodbye as she watches you leave, closing the door behind you.

"Where...where am I?"

Delise finally wakes from her "slumber", blinking her eyes open.

You smile, helping her sit up. "Thank goodness I managed to save you in time."

She looks at you confusedly, observing the space of the carriage both you and her were in before the memories of her almost being imprisoned returns.

"Did my brother really send you?"

You shake your head with a guilty look, "No. I said that in hopes of having you trust me momentarily, but it seems it was futile because you only continued running away."

"Ah, sorry.."

"It's alright. I understand why you would run."

"Then, who sent you to save me?"

Shall I tell her?

Debating for a moment, you open your mouth to answer, "One of the maids who felt sympathy for you sent me."

The half truth should be enough.

She nods, still hesitant about you.

"..If I show you my face, then will you trust me?"

She nods again, "Yes."

Raising a hand, you pull of the half torn hood that covered your features. At once, her eyes widen in shock before she begins profusely apologizing and bowing.

"Forgive me Lady ( y/n )! I didn't recognize you!"

Perhaps it was because Rashta may have told her false things about you, but she seemed to afraid that you'd cut her head off.

"That Rashta probably told you scary things about me, right?" You sigh, resting your elbow on the small window sill.

She nods, too afraid to speak.

"Are you still believing anything she's said after she ordered for your tongue to be cut off and for you to be imprisoned because you found something you should not have?"

'Right, the feathers in Her Highness' bed..they were the ones she said the Former Empress plucked..'

Reconnecting the dots she connected before, a realization that the commoners Empress was not really the kind hearted woman everyone thought she was.

"Don't be so tense around me, Delise. I won't eat you alive." You chuckle, watching her relax.

"Are you taking me back to my brother?"

"I'm afraid not. Sorry Delise, but I have to take this opportunity and begin the downfall of Rashta." Your previously warm tone died down into a cold one.


"Your brother is a famous journalist. He's smart as well. It won't be long until he figures out what that woman tried to do to you."

From the reports of Aster, you learned that Johnson was a bold writer who didn't hesitate to bring the truth to light. With his current bias towards the whore on the throne, he wouldn't believe Delise if she came home and said she was almost imprisoned.

He was smart enough to know she wouldn't escape if she really was.

"Don't worry. You can live in my Duchy for the time being, you'll be safe there." You assure her, opening your window, cold wind rushing in.

From your current location, you could  see the top of the villa, "You'll live there for the time being, alright?"

Although she was happy for a moment, seeing such a luxurious place, she became sad again, knowing she wouldn't be able to see her dear brother for a long time.

'If I betray Madam and see my brother, I'd be locked in jail before I can reach our home.'

Her heart was on her sleeve, with the way her eyebrows were furrowed and tears brimmed her eyes, it was obvious to you she only wanted her brother's comfort.

"The servants there are nice, Delise. I'm sure you'll make friends who will mean a lot to you during your time there."

She could only nod.


"Where were you?"

You freeze, slowly turning around to meet Mckenna in the eyes.

"I was looking around the Western Empire." Lying through your teeth, you smile as he raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"The servants cleaned up nicely." Heinley appears out of nowhere, hands behind his back as he hums, a smile on his face.

"Yes, I'll reward the servants handsomely." You answer, happy that the topic had changed.

The King nods, smile looking suspicious as he smiles.

What's he planning this time?

Both he and Ergi were two peas in a pod. Although they seemed to kind hearted and soft in the eyes of others, their true nature is to deceive and delude to get what they wanted.

You couldn't hate them for that, because that would only make you a hypocrite.

"Right, I haven't told you the name of this Duchy just yet."

You raise an eyebrow at him, nodding to let him continue his sentence.

"This abandoned place was called Thrace. It used to be a glorified region." He hums, gauging your reaction.

He's taken aback when you don't react, merely nodding before walking away in a bored manner.

The name didn't sound one bit familiar to you, nor did you know the history behind it. From his reaction at your nonchalant face, you could tell he knew this place contained a piece of history regarding the panther tribe.

That's why he made a decision so easily. He would've given me this fief even if I didnt give a good reason.

Inwardly sighing, you enter one of the main entertainment rooms, throwing yourself of the couch and immediately relaxing as soon as the soft material touches you.

This was one of the few furnitures that had survived from termites.

The short trip was tiring, having to slip through and avoid being skinned by the swords of Imperial knights wasnt an easy feat.

In addition to that, you were sure Rashta and Sovieshu would arrive soon for Navier and Heinley's wedding ceremony.

her obedient servant. | remarried empress x f!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora