Pt 2

385 16 15

Jareths pov

I sit on a branch watching the school doors waiting for y/n to come out.

After about five minutes of waiting I see him. He's walking with his head down I assume he's reading another book.

I've been watching him for a few years now and I've noticed some things about him. Some he probably doesn't even know about himself.

He likes to read he always has a book with him and spends so much of his time reading you would think there was something wrong with him.

He also likes to listen to music. He listens to this guy called David Bowie a lot. He's an ok singer I guess but he's not as good as me.

He also daydreams a lot. Usually about the book he's currently reading. Though I've noticed that he thinks about me quite a lot.

He often thinks about what I would be like if I was real and how he wishes so much that I was.

He also gets this sparkle in his eye whenever he talks about something he loves.

He's also always tripping and walking into things. It's really cute though it does make me worry sometimes.

And whenever he does his work in school or homework he taps the beat of whatever song is stuck in his mind on the desk.

He doesn't even realise he's doing it till his teacher yells at him.

I snap out of my trance and look around but y/n's nowhere to be seen.

I look around and notice that he's talking to some guy probably in his 20s.

I fly over to get a closer look and y/n starts walking away. He opens his book back up and starts reading again.


292 words

Hi thanks so much for reading and sorry the chapter is so short I'm currently on a walk with my dad but I really wanted to post something

Also let me know if you enjoyed reading in Jareths pov so I know weather to keep doing it or not

Jareth x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now