Pt 4

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Jareths pov

I watch as Y/n try's to calm down his brother for a while till he gives up and puts him back to bed still crying.

I transform back to an owl and fly back to Y/n's room and perch myself in the headrest of his bed.

Moments later I hear his footsteps getting closer and watch as he enters the room.

I hear him mumble something to himself after closing the bedroom door but can't hear what he said as I'm too far away.

He walks over and lays on his bed just just under where I'm sat and stares up at the ceiling somehow completely oblivious to the fact that there's a bloody owl sat above him and staring down at his beautiful face.

His eyes start to droop closed and just as he's about to fall asleep I make a hooting noise and startle him awake.

I try not to laugh as he falls off his bed and onto the wooden floor below. (What would an owl laughing even sound like? I'll have to find out next time I'm an owl)

I look down at him as he sits up rubbing his arm where he landed on it.

He looks up to where I'm still sat on the headrest of his bed finally noticing me.

"Aren't you the owl from earlier?" Y/n asks me he knows he's talking to an owl not a person right?

I answer by making a hoo noise at him.

Y/n then asks if my "hoo" was a yes so I ruffle my feathers.

I jump from the headrest to the edge of the bed in front of where he's still sat on the floor.

" I should give you a name." Y/n said to me and I cocked my head to the side as a response and to let him know I'm listening.

"Hmmm... how about .. Freddie?"

What is he on? Thinking of naming an owl Freddie at least come up with a name that makes sense for an owl.

" okay not Freddie then." Y/n replies after noticing my displeased look.

" what about Adam?" Once again he takes the hint and comes up with another name.

This goes on for a little while each time making me more annoyed.

Eventually the name Bowie gets suggested and even though it's not a name that makes sense for an owl (honestly how hard is it?) it's something I would be willing to tolerate being called as I know how much Y/n loves him.

But for that very reason no. I refuse to be called by that man's name.

A few moment later after more thinking I come up with an idea of how to give Y/n a hint on what my actual name is that hopefully he will be smart enough to get.

I flap my wings and take off flying in a loop around the room and landing back on the headrest where I was originally perched.

In the process knocking off the leather bound book and scaring Y/n half to death.

After he recovers he pick up the book and looks at the page it opened on. It was a sketch I remember him drawing of me in owl form one day at lunch.

He closed the book and placed it back where it was before I knocked it off and looked at me.

" I know how about I name you Jareth?"

I make two hoots of approval and watch as Y/n smiles and stands up walking to the other side of the room where his closet is.

God I love his smile.

I watch as he takes out some f/c pyjama bottoms and takes off his shirt. If I was in my human form I would be blushing like mad right now.

I watch as he starts unbuttoning his trousers but I end up get ting spotted by him.

"Some privacy please?"

I turn around facing the wall thanking god that owls can't blush otherwise I'd be as red as a piece if garnet.

Not a minute later I hear him walking over. " you can look now." He says to me.

I turn around and stare at his shirtless torso thinking how lucky I would be if he stayed in the labyrinth with me.

He would be the first person to not leave me alone there.

I snap out of my trance to his hand petting my head I lean in to his calming touch and feel cold the instant he pulls his hand away.

I desperately want to lean back into his touch to feel his warmth again but force myself not to because I know it will just end up with me broken hearted again.

I hear him say night to me as he climbs into his bed and gets comfy.

He pats my head again and I feel that rush of warmth through my whole body and have to force myself not to lean into the touch.

His hand leaves my head and turns off the lamp before he lays down.

I jump down onto the bed next to his hand to be able to see his face better before I leave and feel that warmth again only to realise that he's smithing the feathers on my wings.

I freeze and let out a sigh of relief when he falls asleep and his hand drops away from me.

I turn and fly towards the window glad that Y/n forgot to close it only to realise that it's now raining a lot.

I dive under the gap in the window and fly into the night sky transporting mid flight to the underground.

I fly over the labyrinth and in through a window of my castle that lead into my throne room which was crowded with goblins.

I reach the only empty space in the room by my throne and transform into my human self. Drenched and freezing from the short time I was in the rain.

One of the goblins Anriok i think his name was noticed me enter and rushed straight over.

"Sir! Sir! Are you alright? Your soaked! You must be freezing!"

"I am quite alright I just need to change and warm up before- achoo!... that happens."

"Sir you are I'll you must rest at once!"

"It's ok Anriok it's just a cold. It's nothing dangerous." I tell the goblin hoping to calm him down.

" if you say so sir but please go get changed and rest."

"Of course thanks for your concern."

I disappear from my throne room and end up in my bed chambers.

I get changed into some comfy pyjamas and wrap up in bed eventually drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

1131 words

Hi everyone!!

I'm so sorry I've posted nothing in a while I've been struggling with writers block and whenever I was able to come up with something to write about I had to do something for my mum or school got in the way.

I finally have time off for Christmas so I will be trying to write and update as much as I can.

Also prepare for sadness in future chapters I already hate myself for coming up with the idea but we'll talk more about that when we get there.

I hope all of you had a happy Christmas or whatever it is you celebrate if you do celebrate something this time of year. If not I hope you've been happy recently.

By the way if you spot any spelling mistakes in any chapters feel free to point them out to me so I can correct them.

And don't feel scared to leave a comment and share your thought I love hearing what people think about my writing.

Bye I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you hopefully soon in the next chapter!

Last minute edit

I have given this a proper description now what do you think? Is it any good?

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