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Hello everyone!

I thought I should update all of you on what's going on with this fic right now.

Ever since I posted the last chapter I have been trying to work on the next one which I am having some troubles with.

I haven't quite known what to do for part six and due to upcoming exams, homework and not having a lot of time as I now also have a job I don't have a lot of time to write it.

I definitely will not be abandoning this fic and if anything I am more encouraged to finish it than when I started.

A huge reason for that is the support I have seen from readers enjoying it, which I never thought would happen. I know it's not many, but still thank you everyone who has read this.

What I plan to do is to finish part six and the rest of the story, then I will come back and announce a upload schedule and start publishing the parts accordingly.

I'm so sorry to make the wait even longer but I hope all of you understand.

Thank you all for reading and I wish you all well.

Hopefully it won't take too long, bye for now and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 🎃

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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