Chapter 18

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I was panting, my entire body heaving

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I was panting, my entire body heaving. "Move your asses!" Coach Walsh screamed at us.

I'm not sure what happened that he was in such a foul mood, but he was punishing the entire team.

We had been winning our games. It had been a little over a month since our first game. It was Halloween this weekend, today was Friday. Sometimes I found my mind wandering during these drills, to a certain blonde that was always on my mind. I had been seeing Lili much more often. She and her friend Cami, had become close with the boys and I. In fact, neither of them knocked anymore. After I had gotten coffee with Lili three weeks ago, we had been talking more. Nothing about her was a turn off. Absolutely nothing. She couldn skate, so I could teach her. She made fun of me for not being able to drive a stick, I got to see the smile she made. She couldn't cook, I could cook for her. But we were just friends. She wasn't off limits per-say, but Danny made it very clear taht I should not fuck it up with his new favorite babysitter.

We were running drill after drill and some of the freshmen had already thrown up. Coach checked the clock, "Practice is over for today!" he announced. "Seniors!" he called just as we were going to step off of the ice.

I heard Cooper curse and he, Danny and I turned around. We skate slowly to the other side of the rink where Coach is waiting to talk to us.

"Hey boys," he said, his voice was not as harsh and for some reason it made me more worried. "So I knew that none of you would do this, but I was told to remind you that only seniors on the hockey team are allowed to live in the Hockey House."

"Yes Coach," we all replied dutifully. I could feel Danny go completely tense beside me.

"I don't think that you guys have done anything wrong, but there has been a rumor that you guys have been keeping a child on the premises," he said with a laugh.

Cooper and I laughed along, but it sounded fake to my ears. I wasn't even positive that Danny was breathing, he was so worried.

"I'm sure that it won't be a problem, but the admin is going over to the House in half an hour to take a peek," he told us.

There was a beat of silence.

"Okay Coach," he prompted.

"Okay Coach," we all repeated in sync.

"Dismissed," he said.

We flew across the ice. We didn't even talk to each other as we took off our gear and took the world's fastest showers. We grabbed our gym bags and we headed toward my car. We all climbed in and that was when the silence broke.

"Oh my God," Danny moaned.

"What are we going to do?" he panicked. It would take ten minutes to get home if I sped, but that would leave maybe seven minutes before the admin got there. That was not enough time to get rid of Mila and all evidence of her.

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