Chapter 22

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If I could stay like this forever I would

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If I could stay like this forever I would. Josh and I laid in the back of his truck watching the meteor shower and talking about meaningless things. I wore his sweatshirt and it was so warm. It smelled just like him.

"What's this one for?" I ask him as I traced one of the tattoos on his arm.

"It's for my mom," he told me. My heart just melted. "She always said, no cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten. Don't count the days, make the days count."

"So you got a calendar tattoo?" I giggled.

"I was 18 and an idiot," he admits. "It'll come in handy in 2029," he told me.

"So you were just planning ahead," I teased.

"Absolutely," he justified. "Do you have any tattoos?" he asked me.

"I have one," I admitted.

"Really?" he asked. He clearly had not expected that was going to say yes. "Where?"

I blushed a little at the thought. "High up on my ribs," I said. "You can only see it if I'm wearing a bikini or a sports bra or something like that.

He seemed lost in thought with a small smirk on his face for a second before returning himself to the present. "What's it about?" he asked.

"It says 'i love you' in my grandma's handwriting," I told him.

"Was she special to you?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I smiled at her memory.

My grandma was always a spitfire who didn't put up with bullshit from anyone. She was a famous romance author. But the type of romance that I wasn't allowed to read until I turned 18. She always had a dirty mouth and a good joke. I aspired to be just like her, I always have. When she died a couple of years back, I was inconsolable. That was until Noah and I got hammered and got tattoos. Getting a tattoo didn't cure my missing her, but I knew that my grandma would have loved hearing about my drunken adventure. She always loved a good story. It made me feel like I always had a part of her and it was one of my favorite decisions that I had ever made.

We lapsed into silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, but the bottom of the truck bed was. I squirmed around trying to find a spot that wasn't digging onto my back. Then Josh reached over to me and pulled me toward him.

This was the second time that he had done this to me tonight and honestly it was hot, the way that he took that little bit of control to bring me closer to him drove me insane.

He quickly maneuvered us so that I was tucked into the inside of his arm, with my head on his chest. It was really nice. He intertwined our fingers and we lay together.

"Lilo," he said quietly.

"Yes," I answered just as quietly. The moment seemed fragile, like even speaking too loudly would shatter the perfection.

"What do you think of my truck?"

I laughed softly. Then I chose to tell him the truth because screw being just friends. I didn't want to be just friends. If it backfired and blew up in my face, at least I would know. "I think that I grew up in the south," I told him slowly. "I think that a pickup truck is just about the sexiest kind of car that you can have, which sounds like bullshit, but isn't I swear. But having the most attractive kind of car just seems to fit you doesn't it? Everything about you is just too darn appealing."

I bit my lip and looked up at him, waiting for him to respond to me.

"Lili," he finally said after what felt like many agonizingly long seconds.

"Yeah," I said, more nervously than I would have liked.

"I think that you are just about the most appealing thing that I have ever laid eyes on," he said, using my own words. "And you set my mind and my body on fire, to the point where I can't even breathe around you. Completely forget rational thoughts while you are in my clothes," he scoffed. I then remembered that I was wearing his sweatshirt. "And all I want to do any time that I am around you is to kiss you until we can't breath anymore and I want to fuck you until the only thing taht you can remember is my name," he admitted to me.

I blushed at his admission. I was a virgin, I had never had a boyfriend who I had wanted to do that with, but none of my ex boyfriends were like Josh. But everything that he said, I felt the same way. So what did I say?

"Do it," I told him.

"Do what?" he asked.

"Kiss me until we can't breathe," I challenged him.

Josh didn't need to be asked twice. In one swift move he slipped gently from beneath my head, so that I was laying flat against the truck bed. Then he hovered above me.

"I won't be able to go back to being just friends if I kiss you right now," he warned me.

"Fuck being just friends," I said as i leaned up and bridged the gaps between our lips.

He kissed me like I wanted to be kissed, like no boy had ever kissed me, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in my cheeks as his tongue touched Josh's tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of us. His body molded perfectly to fit mine, his hands on my hip and in my hair tugging gently. My hands were wrapped around the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to me.

We slowly pulled apart as we both ran out of air just like he had promised I would. I smiled as he and I both panted slightly.

"Fuck being just friends, huh?" he asked me.

"I never did like being only friends," I sighed.

He smiled and leaned down to meet our lips in another toe curling kiss.

The rest of the night was magical. We spent it wrapped in each other's arms kissing one another and talking quietly, until we fell asleep.

Word Count: 1085 

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