Chapter 34

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The next morning I woke up before Josh

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The next morning I woke up before Josh. I know that Josh isn't exactly a morning person, so I let him sleep. I quietly changed into some clothes for the day, and did my business in the bathroom, before creeping down the stairs. The rest of the house was quiet, but as I turned into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, I found Darren, Rachel's husband, sitting at the table.

"Good morning," he said as he watched me walk in the door.

"Good morning," I said.

"There is coffee in the pit if you want it," he told me as he motioned to the counter behind him, where there was indeed a coffee pot.

"Thanks," I said. I helped myself to a cup of coffee and I sat across the table from Darren.

"So the Miller's haven't scared you away yet?" he joked.

"I'm not scared that easily," I smiled. "Plus, if Josh can survive my older brothers and my dad, I'm sure I can answer some questions about when we are going to have babies."

Darren laughed, "Braver than I am. When Rachel brought me here for the first time, I was planning to ask her father for permission to marry her. I thought that it would be nice to ask him in Spanish, for him to see that I was putting in the effort for his daughter." Darren sighed and took a sip of his coffee. "Some of us only took Spanish until the eighth grade." There was another pause when Darren smiled at the memory. "I ended up telling Felipe that Rachel was pregnant and that I loved his wife."

"Oh no!" I said with a laugh.

"Oh yes," Darren dreaded. "It was a miracle that Felipe let me marry Rachel."

I smiled, "I'm sure that it was not as bad as you remember it."

"I'm sure it's worse," Darren chuckled. "At least, I seemed to have endeared myself to them. Not like you were speaking Spanish yesterday, though. Natalia will love you forever for that one. Maybe you won't need something embarrassing to happen to become a part of this family."

"I hope so," I agreed with a nervous laugh. It seemed like he didn't know what Josh and I had done last night, maybe nobody had heard us, really. I crossed my fingers under the table and I chatted with Darren for the next hour. Apparently the Millers all slept in late, Darren said that he hadn't seen a Miller wake up before ten am by choice.

Darren and I talked and got to know each other pretty well. It turned out that he was from a smaller family, and that is why he liked to spend Thanksgiving here, surrounded by a loving, noisy, family. We talked about school, about his kids, and about work, until the Miller family started to trickle into the kitchen.

I was in the middle of coloring a drawing with Charlie, when somebody came up behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I could feel the brush of his lips on my ear as he whispered to me, "I missed you this morning."

I blushed, but I leaned back into the crook of his shoulder. "I missed you too."

"I kind of thought that we had scared you off," he said in a low tone so that only I could hear.

"Me? Never." I replied equally as quietly. "You could never scare me off."

I could feel the vibration of his chuckle in his chest."Good, because I-"

"Lili," Charlie's whine interrupted Josh's thought, as he tugged on my hand. "Pay attention."

I laughed. "I am," I told him, when in reality coloring was the last thing on my mind. Just hearing his voice sent memories of last night flooding back through my brain. Tender touches and insatiable kisses raced through my mind as I tried to focus on moving the crayon in my hand.

"Liar," Josh whispered. In a swift motion that made me feel weightless, Josh lifted me up with the arm around my waist. He took my seat and he placed me back down into his lap. All the while holding a cup of coffee casually in the other. I turned my head to look at him and he was already looking at me. His eyes were a shade darker than they usually were and I could feel him replaying last night's events as well. I placed a chaste kiss on his lips and took the coffee from his hand. I took a sip from the mug and the bitter taste made my face scrunch up. "You take your coffee black," I observed with a wince.

"Yep," he agreed as he took the mug back from my hand. That smug smirk played on the corner of his lips.

"Lili, ¿qué puedo ofrecerte para el desayuno?" Natalia asked as she swept over to Josh, Charlie, and I.

/Lili, what would you like for breakfast?/

"Darren y yo comimos esta mañana antes de que todos se levantaran, pero gracias por pensar en mí," I responded.

/Darren and I ate before everybody got up, but thank you for thinking of me./

"Eres la nuera perfecta. ¿Lo sabías?" Natalia asked me.

/You are the perfect daughter-in-law, do you know that?/

I laughed softly and blushed, but Josh responded before I got the chance.

"Aún no estamos casados, mamá," he told her.

/We aren't married yet, mom."

"¿aún?" his aunts, his mother, Julia, Raschel and I all asked.


"Aye, las damas ocúpese de sus propios asuntos," Josh retorted.

/Mind your own business ladies./

"You want me to be your wife, someday?" I asked him quietly as his family pretended not to listen.

He grunted quietly, before pulling my hair gently away from my ear. He moved his lips closer and I felt him exhale softly on my neck. "What I want," he said lowly. "Is for you to stop speaking spanish."

I pulled away from him surprised, "What? Why?"

"You are creating a noticeable issue," he gritted out.

"What?" I wiggled so that I could see him better.

"You aren't helping," he grunted, as he grabbed my hips to prevent me from moving anymore.

"I really don't," I began to say until I felt something firm under my ass. "Oh," I said in realization.

"Yeah," he sighed.

"Lili," Charlie tugged on my hand, pulling me back into reality. I was sitting on my boyfriend's lap and he had an erection because I spoke just about a sentence in Spanish. I would have to speak more Spanish with him the next time that we were alone, I thought.

I returned my attention to Charlie and continued to color the picture, while Josh drank his bitter coffee, and his adoring family surrounded us.

Word Count: 1111

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