The Surprise

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Sophia's POV

As we open the door we see Brittney kissing Xander. I stifle a sob, looking at the both of them. I look at Raya and then Damon. I take off running back to Raya’s Room with An angry Raya on my tail. She shuts and locks her door, taking me into her arms and comforting me. 

“I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was in there doing that, You can stay in here tonight if you want, Damon is going out of town to see his mom. Just as a small break from Alpha Douche.” She exclaims sadly. 

I just sob. Why did that hurt me so much? What was actually going on. Are we looking into it too far? I Sigh as I squeeze out of Rayas arms. I sit on the edge of the bed and look up at her. 

“Slumber party?” I question through tears. 

“Yes!” She squeals “and we can talk shit about my brother” She winks

“Who is your brother?” I asked. I dont think ive met him.

“Xander” She giggles. “He didn't tell you did he, What an idiot” 

I smile at her and we hear a knock on the door. 

“GO AWAY” Raya yells. 

“Raya, Let me talk to Sophia please” I hear Xander mumble through the door. He sounded very defeated and upset.

“No, We are having a girls night. You may speak with her tomorrow, Go away now good sir, you have done enough.” She says sternly to him.

We hear a defeated sigh and hear his footsteps recede. I sigh. Maybe I can ask Raya what love feels like. We hear the door unlock and Damon enters and re locks it. He doesn't look angry. 

“Sophia, I think you should hear Xander out. He explained to me what happened and it all makes sense” he says

“Damon, do not bring up Xander right now. She will talk to him when she is ready” Raya Scolds. 

“Woah there Tiger okay, I've gotta go though,  so you girls don't have too much fun. Please don't destroy the room like the last slumber party you had” he says kissing her softly on her forehead then lips. I smile, Maybe I can have that one day. 

After Damon leaves Raya starts pulling out a bunch of clothes from her closet. When I say a bunch I mean her entire walk in closet. I have no Idea what is going on. Raya is just smirking while pulling out all these clothes. 

“Okay!” She says, clapping her hands together. “We are going to put you some of these clothes and see what you think. A fashion show!” She smiles and jumps up and down excitedly.

“Uh Raya, These are all your clothes, Why would I be trying them on” I ask 

“So I can go on a shopping trip later, I just have to get rid of some of these and I'll take you with me and we can get you a whole new wardrobe as well.” She squeals, grinning ear to ear. 

“Oh, Uh Sure” I shrug. “I only wear long sleeves and jeans though” I state.

“Well that's going to change. Be confident in who you are. You are the Luna queen.”she says. 

“I-I don't feel comfortable in anything else. My body is u-ugly. I have scars all over” I say trying not to cry. 

“Those will just make you look badass and scary. I think you are absolutely gorgeous!” She winks, Pushing me towards her clothes. 

“Oh. Okay I guess so. I never really looked at it that way I guess” I shrug. 

I try on clothes for what seems like hours. The clothes were very pretty. It's finally dinner time. My stomach growls but I don't want to go down to the kitchen and run into Xander. 

“Hey Raya” I look over at her as shes putting the clothes I didn't take away.

“Yes Luna” She giggles wiggling her eyebrows at me

“Can you bring dinner up here, Or someone. I don't want to chance running into Xander. I'm just not in the right headspace to see him right now.” I give her a small smile. 

“Of course, I'll have someone bring our plates, Do you maybe wanna watch movies with me? '' She points to what I can only assume would be the TV.

“Uh Sure I can't remember the last time I watched anything” I shrug. 

We watch several movies together, I can't remember the names. I wasn't a big fan of any of them. It's now 2:30am and I am pooped! Raya plops down in the bed and pats next to her. 

“Don't be shy i dont bite,” She giggles. 

I smile and lay next to her, both of us having our own blanket. I lay there unable to sleep, still upset about what I witnessed today. Raya did make me feel so much better though. As I'm about to drift off to sleep, I suddenly hear a loud voice in my head that makes me jump..

My Alpha King Savior.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang