Someone Found Us

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It was now late afternoon and we were in the bedroom just cuddling while Xander was making phone calls from a burner phone. Raya and Teresa  left a little while ago to go back to the castle to make sure nothing happens there. I must admit I am quite scared. I'm sure Jacob and Craig are going to come after me. I genuinely am not sure why Ginger is so rare and special but I  am not worried about that right now. I want everyone back at the castle and pack house safe. But in reality that's only wishful thinking. Everything is so crazy and I feel I am to blame. Maybe if I would have just stayed with Craig everything would be fine.

A while passed and I had fallen asleep on Xander. I was awoken by him yelling at someone on the phone. Apparently they were not doing their job and he's threatening to kill them. I gently rubbed circles on his arm to calm him down. He instantly hung up the phone.

“I'm so sorry hun I didn't mean to wake you up. Could you forgive me” he says, giving me puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes and giggle.

“Of course I forgive you dork” I smile.

He kisses me on the forehead.

“Dinner?” He asks.

I nod as my stomach growls.

Xander is a terrible cook as I have learned. He burned Ramen on the stove. How one does that I have no idea. Ask Xander. I ended up just making mac and cheese for the both of us. I always like to add extra shredded cheese for a more cheesy and flavorful effect. We just Talked about random things and ate. I tried to keep Xanders mind off the current situation at hand. Xander yawned loudly and I giggled heading up to the room. I'll Deal with the dishes in the morning. We get changed and jump into bed crawling under the covers. We cuddle until he drifts peacefully off to sleep. I on the other hand am wide awake. I am so scared. I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep. I know my mate is here to protect me but what if I don't want him to. I don't want him getting hurt because of me. Xander rolls over rather aggressively in his sleep. I sigh.

I get up and go down to the kitchen and do the dishes. Cant sleep so might as well. As I am doing the dishes I hear a loud noise from outside. I sigh. I'm going to do the worst thing ever and go see what it was.

As I walk outside I hear growls that I recognize as Jacob’s. I shiver but remain calm.

“Transform and let's talk” I say sternly.

Suddenly Jacob comes into my line of sight.

“My dear sister!” He says like he is excited to see me.

I shift uncomfortably on my feet. “Jacob what do you want” I say not having time for whatever bullshit he is trying to play at.

“Oh Darling, I have come to bring you home. That is not your mate inside there” He points to the house.

“He is, you wouldn't know anything about that though you sleep with anything that walks” I smirk.

He growls. “Either you come with us willingly or ill kill that little mate of yours” He snarls.

I think for a minute and sigh..

“Will you leave him and the rest of the palace alone” I ask staring at him

“Yes of course because we wouldn't have a reason to bother them then” He says.

I take a deep breath and look back at the house then back at him. I'm about to pull the dumbest stunt ever to try and protect everyone…

“I will come with you” I say shakily.

My Alpha King Savior.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें