Chapter 9

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~~y/n's Pov~~

Before we left crocus and laboon we had taken the two people from earlier. I had found out their names were Miss Wednesday and Mr 9. Miss Wednesday was a blue haired chick with a striped blue shirt. Mr 9 was an orange hair man with swirls on his cheek.

They kept bothering Nami and kept saying how we will die very quickly in the GrandLine. Annoying.

"Shut your traps," I said

I was fed up with them. They just wouldn't stop talking and it was annoying. It started to get colder and clouds started to form.

Then it started snowing. It was hot 2 seconds ago. So strange

"Can someone explain why it's snowing? It was hot and sunny not too long ago" Nami said

I giggled and walked outside. I didn't have a jacket or anything. In fact, I was still wearing Luffys vest. I totally forgot.

"Perfect! Look who dropped in! It's Mr snow barrel" Luffy said proudly

"PFFFT LUFFY WHAT IS THAT HAHA" I said pointing at his weird snowman. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. Not to mention his hat was filled with snow.

"Amateur. That pathetic thing isn't a snowman. Take a good look at my snow queen!"
Usopp said with a big grin

"Whoa. Cool! But can your snow queen do.. this!?" Luffy said hitting the snow barrels nose.

The nose got shot right into the head of Usopps snow queen. I started laughing even more because of Usopps face.

Usopp then destroyed Luffys snowman. Luffy got mad and he started throwing snowballs at Usopp. A stray snowball came flying to me and hit me right in the face. I just stood there.

"Y'all.. are.. dead!" I yelled while grabbing snowballs and throwing them at Luffy and Usopp

I soon got bored and decided to go back inside. As I was walking inside I see Sanji shoveling the snow.

"Nami-swannnn. Should I shovel more for you, my dear!?" Sanji yelled with hearts in his eyes

Oh brother. Poor man. Getting used to do all the dirty work. I feel bad honestly but What am I supposed to do.

"Where is the heater on this ship!? I'm cold" Mr 9 said

"I'm freezing" Miss Wednesday said

"Does it look like I care?" I said looking at them sternly

"YOUR NOT GUESTS!" Nami yelled


"Was that lightning?" Nami said

"Y'all aren't very bright. You haven't steered the ship in a while. Is that smart?" Miss Wednesday said

Nami walked out and looked at the log pose. There was a pause but then a scream.

" DO A FULL 180 RIGHT NOW" Nami yelled

"Why?" Usopp said

"the ship is going in the opposite direction!" Nami said

The grew and I immediately started getting to work and got the ship to turn a complete 180.

"Everyone knows that in the grand line nothing is what it seems. The only thing that can direct you to the next island properly is a log pose" Miss Wednesday said

"BE USEFUL ALREADY!" She yelled kicking them out

I giggled at that. They are useless.

"The winds changed!" Usopp said

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