Chapter 19

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okay, I said I was back but yk I decided to take another 10 months to make this chapter. but I'm keeping my promise and making it longer and more interesting (or will try to any way). also, I've been watching one piece a lot more recently and now I'm on episode 960 or something. 

also, a reminder that I'm NOT a writer and so I know this story is very poorly written but it's just supposed to be a fun story to make it feel like you were in one piece.

anyways here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy it!


~~Y/ns Pov~~

    More marine ships made it past the ships I set ablaze, they shot their cannons at us left and right. One getting close to the ship causes the ship to rock. Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro tripped over some ammunition Usopp made us keep. I laughed at them as they yelled out why we even had them there in the first place. All three of them have red marks on their foreheads and nose, Nami just shrugged her shoulders

"Usopp said we should keep them, they may come in handy later," she says calmly 

I turn to see Chopper just running around and yelling about the Marines shooting at us. I just smile and walk over to him. I put my hand on top of his hat and I smile

"chopper we will be okay" I say with a comforting smile.

chopper smiles at me and agrees with me. he walks off somewhere, probably to his room to restock on medicine. I bring out my wings, noticing the ripping sounds from the bandages that are around my chest and back. i take note to tell Chopper later and I fly up to the crow's nest to see where we were, even though I know nothing about navigation. after a couple of minutes, I look down and I see everyone poking their heads through the railing, making some kind of pouting sound while looking back. the only people who weren't looking back were Zoro and I. I fly down and land next to Zoro.

"what are you guys doing?" Zoro asked with a look of annoyance 

I giggle as I squat down next to Chopper who was at the end. tears start to well up in all of their eyes and they start crying and saying how they miss Vivi. i put my hand over my chest and i make a 'aww' sound. 

"that's so sweet of yall" I say 

"oh enough whining! If you wanted her to join that bad then you shouldn't have let her leave" 

Zoro says while crossing his arms. I roll my eyes as I stand back up, knowing what Zoro says is true but he could have said it more nicer, especially to Chopper.

"jerk!" chopper yells

"block head!" Nami yells

"Idiot" says Sanji 

"Three sword style" Says Luffy

I turn to look at Luffy and I give him a confused look.

"uh Luffy saying three sword style isn't an insult" says Usopp

"four sword style" Luffy says 

I laugh at this and i fly over the railing and land in front of them. i smile at Luffy.

"the numbers arent the insult" i say laughing

Zoro then walks away. then a voice can be heard when the door opens from the kitchen.

"seems like we finally escaped the firing squad" says the female voice

"yeah" says zoro 

"Excellent work" says the voice again

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